Formatting Chart Elements
You can format the elements of a chart, such as the platform, wall, legend, and data markers, to make them take on special appearances and enable different features on them. This topic introduces how you can format each element of a chart.
For the chart elements including the category (X) axis, series (Z) axis, the legend, and data markers, you can use them as the trigger object of links.
The following topics describe how to format elements of a chart:
- Formatting the Platform
- Formatting the Paper
- Formatting the Legend
- Formatting the Wall/Floor
- Formatting the Axes
- Formatting the Gridlines
- Formatting the Labels
- Formatting the Bars in a Bar/Bench Chart
- Formatting the Lines in a Line Chart
- Formatting the Areas in an Area Chart
- Formatting the Pies/Donuts and KPI Value Lables in a Pie/Donut Chart
- Formatting the Bubbles in a Bubble Chart
- Formatting the Indicators in an Indicator Chart
- Formatting the Bullets in a Bullet Chart
- Formatting the Rectangles and Rectangle Titles in a Heat Map
- Formatting the Gauge in a Gauge Chart
- Formatting the Surface in a Surface Chart
- Formatting the Radar in a Radar Chart
- Formatting the Scatter in a Scatter Chart
- Formatting the Stock in a Stock Chart