This topic describes the properties and methods in the clientInfo
object and what they are commonly used for.

If an element is not listed here, it is likely intended for internal use and should not be accessed.
Description | Set to False to disable the progress icon that appears when data is being saved or loaded. |
Description | Set to False to prevent the client from passing the sessionInfo object to the server whenever a server callback is done. |
Remarks | It may be useful to disable this to limit overhead if access to sessionInfo is not needed for a specific callback. |
Description | Set to False to prevent the client from passing the report save data to the server whenever a server callback is done. |
Remarks | The SaveData is an additional set of data passed whenever a report is saved. This information is only passed by an onSaveReport global event. It may be useful to disable this to limit overhead if the save data is not needed for a specific callback. |
Description | Set to False to prevent the client Viewer from refreshing the report whenever a server callback alters report data. |
Remarks | If a SaveReport callback does not alter the appearance of the report, it may be useful to disable this to limit overhead. |
Description | Access to a large variety of utilities and controls. |
Remarks | Likely unnecessary in most cases. A pre-written action event provided to you by a support analyst may make use of this. |
Description | Access to the Exago Web Application user interface elements. |
Remarks | Often used in order to add or remove items from the report tree sidebar. Useful for allowing Exago to handle third-party report objects. |
Description | A generic class for the object which the action event call was attached. |
Remarks | The more specific context items below provide a superset of this class. |
Dashboard, DashboardItem, report, chartData, chartSeriesDataPoint, chartItemDataPoint, reportWidgets, categoriesCtrl, parameterListCtrl
Description | Specific classes which are set depending on the context of the call. Contain information about the object for which the action event call was attached. |
Remarks | These are set contextually depending on the object of the call. For example, chartData will only be set if the action event was attached to a chart or gauge. |
Description | Provides information about the UI element called by a “click” local action event. For a list of supported elements, see Actionable UI Elements. |
Description | True if an action event is running in a non-interactive environment, that is any non-html environment, where JavaScript interactivity is not permitted. Includes all export types: PDF, Excel, RTF, CSV. |
Description | Call back to the server with any given arguments. |
Description | Returns the text and tooltip info from the language file for the specified UI item. |
ExecuteParentFunction(func, args)
Description | If the Exago Web Application is running in an iframe these are helper functions to call JavaScript functions in the parent frame. |
Remarks | These functions are for convenience and safety. They are generally the same as calling Parent.FunctionName. |
LoadHtmlDialog(html, options)
Description | Creates and loads an HTML dialog box. Accepts an HTML string or an html element. Accepts several options. |
SetDialogValue(elementId, value)
Description | Populates the given element of a dialog with a given value. |
Description | Finds and returns the element given by its ID. |
Description | Creates and loads an HTML alert dialog with the given text. |
UpdateChart(chartWidget, chartData)
Description | Updates the given chart with the given data and re-renders it in the report. |
Description | Returns all the existing reports on the Dashboard as report objects. |
Description | Returns all the widgets on the Dashboard (that is all Dashboard elements besides existing report tiles). |
EditReport(reportName, options)
Description | Opens the Report Designer for the given report with options. |
ExecuteReport(reportName, exportType, options)
Description | Executes the given report with options. |
Description | Starts the Designer for the given report type. |
Description | Returns the given report object by name. |
LoadUrlToNewTab(string url)
Description | Opens a new tab with the provided URL as the contents. |