Using IncludeFrame Mode
When the SubReport element's SubReport Mode attribute is set to IncludeFrame, the subreport may be a Logi report definition or an external HTML page. When the Logi Server Engine renders the main report, it will include <IFRAME> tags that reference the subreport. The subreport then runs in its own little "window" (which is an isolated, separate environment) inside the main report page. Super-elements, such as the Analysis Grid, will operate correctly when included using this mode.

In the example shown above, the SubReport element's other attributes are now usable and can be configured to constrain the subreport to a specific size, to add scrollbars, or to draw a border around the subreport. If the Height and Width attributes are left blank, the window will be automatically sized to include the entire subreport page.

In the example shown above, the subreport is displayed in a bordered window inside the main report, restricted to a specific size, and with its own scrollbar.

If, instead of a Target.Report element, we use a Target.Include Frame Link, we can enter an actual URL and include an HTML page from an internal or external web site.

And here we see the home page displayed as a subreport.
You must always start the URL attribute value with "http://" to ensure that the Logi Server Engine recognizes it as a URL.
Restrictions: X-Frame-Options
Creators of external content may choose to prevent you from embedding their pages in an iFrame by using the X-Frame-Options header in their HTTP Responses.

Browsers typically respond to this by displaying a message indicating that embedding is not allowed, like the one shown above, or by displaying nothing. If necessary, you can use online or built-in browser tools (often F12) to view the HTTP headers and confirm the presence of X-Frame-Options. Unfortunately, there is little you can do to overcome this restriction other than lobby the content provider for an exception.
Style Considerations
The style of your subreport may be affected by the style of your main report. Generally, IncludeFrame mode helps isolate the subreport from the main report's style, but you may need to work with your style sheets to iron out occasional conflicts.