The DataLayer.MDX element allows specification of an OLAP MDX query command that returns a cell set and populates an OLAP Table or OLAP Grid element.
The following topics introduce the DataLayer.MDX element:
For additional information, see Logi XOLAP.
This element is not available for Logi Java applications.
About DataLayer.MDX
The DataLayer.MDX element is used as a child of either an OLAP Table or an OLAP Grid element.
When used with an OLAP Table only, the text of anMDX query can be entered directly into the DataLayer.MDX element's MDX Source attribute, or generated usingthe special MDX Query Builder tool, which can beaccessed by clicking the browse button at the end of the MDX Source attribute. This tool allows developers to createacorrectly-formatted MDX query using a graphical interface, similar to the SQL Query Builder found in DataLayer.SQL.
An alternative approach, when DataLayer.MDX is used with an OLAP Table or OLAP Grid, is to skip entering the query text directly and instead add an MDX Query child element. You can use it and its child elements tospecify the dimensions, measures, and filters needed and the Logi Engine will generate a correct MDX query at runtime based on them.
Theyappear on the top and left axes. The order in which dimensions are defined for an axis (the element order) determines the order in which they are displayed. For example, if a dimension showing "customer city" is provided first, followed by a dimension showing "customer marital status", the user will be able to drill down to a particular city and then drill down on marital status to see measures for each marital status in that city.