Logi XOLAP (pronounced "zo lap") is a technology that brings the analytical power of data cubes to your relational data and other diverse data sources such as web services, XML, and files.
The following topics discuss basic Logi XOLAP concepts:
Logi XOLAP has been deprecated; the related elements are still
supported, for now, and will work but they're no longer available in
Logi Studio.
About Logi XOLAP
Unlike traditional OLAP, all processing of multi-dimensional data within Logi XOLAP happens at run-time through the Logi Info engine, without the development and processing overhead of more traditional OLAP software. Now you can "slice and dice" large amounts of data from your SQL queries and other data sources on demand. While traditional OLAP data is usually generated only periodically and may become out of date until it's refreshed, Logi XOLAP data is always current.
This highly flexible model for bringing easy analysis to users can be very complimentary to traditional OLAP analysis. XML and web-server powered, it's very consistent with the extensible and flexible approach at the heart of all of Logi Analytics tools.
In addition, due to Logi's elemental development approach and our Logi Studio design tool, Logi XOLAP implementations can happen very quickly.