The properties of a chart object, inclduing a KPI chart are as follows. A chart object can have the following child objects: Chart Label, Chart Legend, Chart Paper, as well as Heat Map Rectangle and Heat Map Rectangle Title for a heat map chart, and Org Chart Line and Org Chart Node for an org chart.
Property Name | Description | |||
General | ||||
Display Name | Specifies the display name of the object.
Data type: String | |||
Instance Name | Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only. | |||
Geometry | ||||
Height | Specifies the height of the object, in inches. Enter a numeric value to change the height.
Data type: Float | |||
Width | Specifies the width of the object, in inches. Enter a numeric value to change the width.
Data type: Float | |||
X | Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent container. This property is unavailable if the Position property is set to static. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches.
Data type: Float | |||
Y | Specifies the vertical coordinate of the top left corner of the object, relative to its parent container. This property is unavailable if the Position property is set to static. Enter a numeric value to change the position in inches.
Data type: Float | |||
Others | ||||
Export to Applet | Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Applet.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Export to Excel | Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Excel.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Export to HTML | Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to HTML.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Export to PDF | Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PDF.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Export to PostScript | Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to PostScript.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Export to Report Result | Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to Report Result.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Export to RTF | Specifies whether to include the object when exporting the report to RTF.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Invisible | Specifies whether to show or hide the object. All formulas and calculations will still be performed if the property is set to true. You can also use a formula to control whether or not to show the object.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Position | Specifies the position of the object. Available when the object is directly contained in the report body or a tabular cell.
Data type: Enumeration | |||
Platform | ||||
Minimum Tick Mark Space | Specifies the minimum space between two adjacent tick marks. Enter a numeric value to change the space.
Data type: Float | |||
Show Legend | Specifies whether to make the legend visible in a chart. Unavailable to KPI charts.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Background | ||||
Border Color | Specifies the color of the platform border. Choose a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog. You can also enter a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.
Data type: String | |||
Border End Caps | Specifies the ending style of the platform border line. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration | |||
Border Joint | Specifies the joint style of the platform border line. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration | |||
Border Style | Specifies the line style of the platform border. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration | |||
Border Thickness | Specifies the width of the platform border, in inches. Enter a numeric value to change the thickness.
Data type: Float | |||
Border Transparency | Specifies the transparency of the platform border, in percent. Enter a numeric value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer | |||
Border Type | Specifies the border type of the platform. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration | |||
Border Variable Dash | Specifies whether to resize the dash automatically.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Color | Specifies the color of the platform background, applied when the property Fill Type is set to color. Choose a color from the drop-down list or select Custom to define a color in the Color Picker dialog. You can also enter a hexadecimal RGB value (for example, 0xff0000) to specify a color.
Data type: String | |||
Fill Transparency | Specifies the transparency of the platform background, in percent. Enter a numeric value to change the transparency.
Data type: Integer | |||
Fill Type | Specifies the fill pattern for the platform background. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration | |||
Inset Bottom | Specifies the bottom position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the chart height, from the bottom edge of the chart.
Data type: Float | |||
Inset Left | Specifies the left position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the chart width, from the left edge of the chart.
Data type: Float | |||
Inset Right | Specifies the right position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the chart width, from the right edge of the chart.
Data type: Float | |||
Inset Top | Specifies the top position of the background area, measured in a percentage of the chart height, from the top edge of the chart.
Data type: Float | |||
Radius | Specifies the radius for the joint of the platform border line. The property takes effect only when Border Joint is set to joint round. Enter a numeric value to change the radius.
Data type: Float | |||
Data | ||||
Category End Offset | The four properties work together to control the range of the data being displayed on a chart: Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End Offset.
Category End Offset specifies the ending offset of the categories. It does not apply to the charts which involve only one group. Data type: Integer | |||
Category Format | Specifies the data format for the category axis (the X axis) to display the tick mark labels in the way you choose. Select ![]() Data type: String | |||
Category Start Offset | The four properties work together to control the range of the data being displayed on a chart: Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End Offset.
Category Start Offset specifies the starting offset of the categories. It does not apply to the charts which involve only one group. Data type: Integer | |||
Hint Percent Format | Specifies the format for each hint percentage to the total. Select ![]() Data type: String | |||
Hint Value Format | Specifies the number format for the hint message. Select ![]() Data type: String | |||
Hyperlink | Specifies to add a hyperlink that refers to another report or a website to the data markers of the chart. Enter the URL of the report or website in the value cell. For details about the format of the URL used to run a report, refer to Running Reports.
Data type: String | |||
Hyperlink Target | Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the content the Hyperlink property specifies. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: String | |||
Motion Bar Format | Specifies the data format for the motion field values displayed on the motion bar. Select ![]() Data type: String | |||
Overall Series | Specifies whether to calculate the top or bottom N category values based on the series values.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Primary Data Format | Specifies the data format for the primary value axis (the Y1 axis) to display the tick mark labels in the way you choose. Select ![]() Data type: String | |||
Reverse Category | Specifies whether to reverse the sequence of the category field value.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Reverse Series | Specifies whether to reverse the sequence of the series field value.
Data type: Boolean | |||
Secondary Data Format | Specifies the data format for the secondary value axis (the Y2 axis) to display the tick mark labels in the way you choose. Select ![]() Data type: String | |||
Series End Offset | The four properties work together to control the range of the data being displayed on a chart: Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End Offset.
Series End Offset specifies the ending offset of the series. Data type: Integer | |||
Series Format | Specifies the data format for the series axis (the Z axis) to display the tick mark labels in the way you choose. Select ![]() Data type: String | |||
Series Start Offset | The four properties work together to control the range of the data being displayed on a chart: Category Start Offset, Category End Offset, Series Start Offset, and Series End Offset.
Series Start Offset specifies the starting offset of the series. Data type: Integer | |||
Sort Category | Specifies the sorting order for the category field values. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration | |||
Sort Series | Specifies the sorting order for the series field values. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration | |||
Swap Groups | Specifies to display values from different data fields by switching data between the category and series axes, the category and value axes of a chart. By default, this property is set to false, which means no switch will take place in the chart. When it is set to true:
Note: If the chart has only one field on the category axis and one on the value axis, even though the property value is set to true, there will be no switch take place on the two axes. | |||
X HyperLink | Specifies to add a hyperlink that refers to another report or a website to the X axis labels. Enter the URL of the report or website in the value cell. For details about the format of the URL used to run a report, refer to Running Reports.
Data type: String | |||
X Hyperlink Target | Specifies the target window or frame in which to display the content the X Hyperlink property specifies. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: String |
Border Type
Specifies the border type of an object. Can be one of the following:
- None
The object has no visible border lines. - Raised
The object has 3-D borders that appear as if they are raised off the page. - Recess
The object has 3-D borders that appear as if they are pressed into the page. - Shadow
The object has two shadowed borders, beneath and to the right of the object. - Solid
The object has single-line borders.
Data Format
Specifies the data format for the labels of the axes or legend as required. Applies to chart platform and legend.
Format Type | Option | Description (Sample) |
Scale | Obtains a new value by a calculation on the value. | |
Logarithm | Calculates ten to the power of the value. | |
Hundreds | Divides the value by one hundred. | |
Thousands | Divides the value by one thousand. | |
Millions | Divides the value by one million. | |
Billions | Divides the value by one billion. | |
Trillions | Divides the value by one trillion. | |
Number | Re-formats the number value (original example: 123456) | |
0 | Formats a decimal number to an integer (123456). | |
#,##0 | Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped integer (123,456). | |
#,##0;-#,##0 | Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped integer. A minus sign is used as the negative prefix (123,456/-123,456). | |
0.00 | Formats a decimal number to a fixed-point number retaining 2 digits after decimal separator (123456.00). | |
#,##0.00 | Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped number retaining 2 digits after decimal separator (123,456.00). | |
#,##0.00;-#,##0.00 | Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped number retaining 2 digits after decimal separator. A minus sign is used as the negative prefix (123,456.00/-123,456.00). | |
0.00E00 | Formats a decimal number to a number in scientific notation. The mantissa is often in the range 1.0 <= x < 10.0, and the number of digit characters after the exponent character (E) gives the minimum exponent digit count (1.23E04). | |
##0.0E0 | Formats a decimal number to a number in scientific notation. The minimum number of integer in the mantissa is 1, and the number of digit characters after the exponent character (E) gives the minimum exponent digit count (12.34E3). | |
$0 | Format a decimal number to an integer, prefixed with a currency symbol $ ($123456). | |
$#,##0 | Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped integer, prefixed with a currency symbol $ ($123,456). | |
$#,##0;-$#,##0 | Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped integer, prefixed with a currency symbol $. A minus sign is used as the negative prefix ($123,456/-$123,456). | |
$0.00 | Formats a decimal number to a fixed-point number retaining 2 digits after decimal separator, prefixed with a currency symbol $ ($123456.00). | |
$#,##0.00 | Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped number retaining 2 digits after decimal separator, prefixed with a currency symbol $ ($123,456.00). | |
$#,##0.00; | Formats a decimal number to a digit grouped number retaining 2 digits after decimal separator, prefixed with a currency symbol $. A minus sign is used as the negative prefix ($123,456.00/-$123,456.00). | |
$0.00E00 | Formats a decimal number to a number in scientific notation, prefixed with a currency symbol $. The mantissa is often in the range 1.0 <= x < 10.0, and the number of digit characters after the exponent character (E) gives the minimum exponent digit count ($1.23E$04). | |
$##0.0E0 | Formats a decimal number to a number in scientific notation, prefixed with a currency symbol $. The minimum number of integer in the mantissa is 1, and the number of digit characters after the exponent character (E) gives the minimum exponent digit count ($12.34E$3). | |
0% | Formats a decimal number to percentage: multiplied by 100 and shown as an integer percentage (12%). | |
0.00% | Formats a decimal number to percentage: multiplied by 100 and shown as a fixed-point number percentage retaining 2 digits after decimal separator (12.34%). | |
| ||
Date/Time | Re-formats the date/time value (For example, Wednesday, December 25, 00:00:00 GMT-08:00 2002) | |
G | Formats a date to era designator (AD). | |
yyyy | Formats a date to year (2002). | |
yy | Formats a date to year in short form (02). | |
yyyy G | Formats a date to year, tagged with era designator (2002 AD) | |
MM | Formats a date to month in year, shown in number format (12). | |
MMM | Formats a date to month in year, shown in the abbreviated form (Dec). | |
MMMMMMMM | Formats a date to month in year, shown in the full form (December). | |
dd/MM/yy | Formats a date to a simple date form (25/12/02). | |
dd-MMM-yy | Formats a date to a simple date form (25-Dec-02). | |
dd-MMM | Formats a date to a simple date form (25-Dec). | |
MMM-yy | Formats a date to a simple date form (Dec-02). | |
MMM yyyy | Formats a date to a simple date form (Dec 2002). | |
dd | Formats a date to day in month (25). | |
DDD | Formats a date to day in year (359). | |
ww | Formats a date to week in year (52). | |
W | Formats a date to week in month (4). | |
EEE | Formats a date to day in week, in short form (Wed). | |
EEEEEE | Formats a date to day in week (Wednesday). | |
HH | Formats a date to hour in day, 0~23 (00). | |
kk | Formats a date to hour in day, 1~24 (24). | |
KK a | Formats a date to hour in am/pm, 0~11, with am/pm marker (00 AM) | |
hh a | Formats a date to hour in am/pm, 1~12, with am/pm marker (12 AM) | |
mm | Formats a date to minute in hour (00). | |
hh:mm a | Formats a date to hour in am/pm, 1~12, minutes in an hour, with am/pm marker (12:00 AM). | |
ss | Formats a date to second in minute (00). | |
hh:mm:ss | Formats a date to hour in am/pm 1~12, minutes in an hour, and second in minute (12:00:00). | |
hh:mm:ss a | Formats a date to hour in am/pm 1~12, minutes in an hour, and second in minute, with am/pm marker (12:00:00 AM). | |
mm:ss | Formats a date to minute in hour and second in minute (00:00). | |
MMMMM dd yyyy G (EEEEEE) hh:mm:ss aa z | Formats a date to a full form date, which contains month in year (shown in full form), days in a month, year, era designator, day in week (shown in the full form), hour in a day, 1~12, minutes in an hour, second in minute, am/pm marker, and time zone (December 25 2002 AD (Wednesday) 12:00:00 AM GMT-08:00). | |
| ||
Text | Specifies the length of the value. | |
Default Length | Uses the length of the string Default Length, which is 14, as the length of the string. Any letters that exceed this length will be cut. You can modify this string, adding or deleting letters to increase or decrease the length limit. For example, type Teddy, the label displayed may probably be Wed D, which originally could be Wed December 25 2002. If you want to show all, you can type Teddy is a lovely bear!, where the length is longer than the length of string Wed December 25 2002. | |
Mapping | Maps new value to one or more values. | |
One-to-one Mapping | Maps a new value to one value. Type the argument number that you want to replace, and then specify the new value in the Map to box. For example, if you want to replace the second data label on the X axis, which is Thu Jul 04 2002, with a new string US National Day, just type 2 in the Argument# box, type US National Day in the Map to box, and then select Add to add it to the Filter Stack. If you want to map more values, repeat this procedure. | |
Range Mapping | Maps a new value to a range of values. Type the argument numbers to define the range you want to map together, and then specify the new value in the Map to box. For example, if you want to replace the data labels from the second one to the fifth with a new name My Holiday, just type 2 in the first Argument# box and 5 in the second Argument# box, then type My Holiday in the Map to box, and finally select Add to add it to the Stack. If you want to map ranges that are not consecutive, repeat this procedure. | |
Text Mapping | Changes the data in the axis data label to a customized string. For example, if you want to change Chen in the first data label of the X axis to Jinfonet, type Chen in the Original Text box, type Jinfonet in the Map to box, and then select Add to add it to the Stack. You can only change the data one by one. Make sure that your spelling in the Original Text box is exactly the same as the data shown in the axis label. | |
Prefix | Adds a string before the text in the data label of the axis. For example, if you want to add NA before the text in the data label of the X axis, type NA in the Map to box, and select Add to add it to the Stack. | |
Suffix | Adds a string behind the text in the data label of the axis. For example, if you want to add NA behind the text in the data label of the X axis, type NA in the Map to box, and select Add to add it to the Stack. | |
Note: The data labels along each axis count from 0, which means the number of the first data label you see on the axis will be 0, the second will be 1, the third will be 2, and so on. |
Border End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line. Can be one of the following:
- Butt
Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added decoration. - Round
Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of the width of the pen. - Square
Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.
Fill Type
Specifies the fill pattern of an object. Applies to the platform, paper, legend, wall, floor, axes, tick marks, labels, fonts and icons of a chart. Can be one of the following:
- None
No fill (default). - Color
Fills with a specified color. - More Effects
Specifies either a gradient or an image as the fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog.
Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style. Can be one of the following:
- Miter
Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet. - Round
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width. - Bevel
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment. - Joint Round
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at the specified radius. Available only for chart platform.
Start Offset(1st.Data.Set), End Offset(1st.Data.Set), Start Offset(2nd.Data.Set), and End Offset(2nd.Data.Set)
These four properties are used to control the data source range that appears on the chart.
For 2-level-group charts, record-level charts and all kinds of combination charts, Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) and End Offset(1st.Data.Set) are used to control the starting offset and ending offset of the data series; Start Offset(2ndDataSet) and End Offset(2nd Data.Set) are used to control the range of the categories.
For 1-level-group charts, Start Offset(2nd.Data.Set) and End Offset(2nd.Data.Set) are used to control the starting offset and ending offset of the categories; Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) and End Offset(1st.Data.Set) will not work because there is no series data in chart that contains only one group.
The range of the property values can be -1 (Default, Not Set) or an integer between 0 and Number of Data Series – 1 (or, Number of Categories - 1).
If the value is out of this range, the following rules will be applied to the default value:
Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) < 0 | Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) = 0 |
Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) > max data number | Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) = max data number |
End Offset(1st.Data.Set) < 0 | End Offset(1st.Data.Set) = max data number |
End Offset(1st.Data.Set) > max data number | End Offset(1st.Data.Set) = max data number |
Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) > End Offset(1st.Data.Set) and EndOffset(1st.Data.Set) >=0 | Start Offset(1st.Data.Set) = 0, End Offset(1st.Data.Set) = max data number |
Same rules apply to Start Offset(2nd.Data.Set) and End Offset(2nd.Data.Set).