FirstDayOfQ1 |
Sets the month to be used for Fiscal Quarter calculations by the
Globalization and Time Period Column elements, using the format
rdAnimatedChartRenderStyle |
Specifies the rendering style, JavaScript or Flash,
for Animated Charts and Gauges. If this constant is not present, the
default is Flash.
rdCalculationsIncludeNulls |
By default, aggregating functions don't include null values in their
calculations. This constant can be created and set to True to
cause null values to be included. This is global in scope.
rdComboLoader |
By default, "combo loading" is used to pre-load interface
script files. Set this constant to False to disable the
rdDefaultCsvEncoding |
Exports to CSV default to the "utf-8" format, which opens
in Excel. Developers who wish to change the encoding to
"ASCII" can create and set this constant to
Used to control filtering behavior of tables that have Left joins.
When set to True, retains the Filter Type for exclusive
filters on Left-joined tables. If missing or not True, the
default behavior will be to always filter the full dataset.
rdFlexSort |
Sorting performance improvements were introduced in this version,
using a scheme named FlexSort, and became the default sorting
mechanism. Developers who wish to continue to use the older sorting
scheme can do so by creating and setting this constant to
rdInfinityErrorResult |
Specifies a global result for formulae that may produce a
divide-by-zero situation (result: infinity), sparing developers the
task of specifying a result on a per-element basis in their Error
Result attributes.
rdJavaPdfClearCache |
(Java apps only) - Create and set this constant to True to
force clearing of the PDF cache for each export.
rdJavaPdfStitchSize |
(Java apps only) - Controls the size of blocks of HTML exported to
the PDF rendering engine, in megabytes, which are then
"stitched" together. The default value is 5MB. When
exporting very large amounts of data (thousands of pages) this
constant can be used to increase the block size, decreasing the
chance that memory will be exhausted by the process. This also
increases the rendering time, however.
rdJavascriptInfinityIsError |
When set to True, specifies that formulae that produce a
divide-by-zero situation (result: infinity) will trigger an error,
which is handled by elements' Error Result attribute or, if set, the
rdInfinityErrorResult constant. If rdJavascriptInfinityIsError is
not specified, the Scripting Engine will return the value
NaN (for "Not a Number") by default when a division
by zero occurs.
| Used with the hybrid data engine. Sets the threshold, in
MB, for shifting from memory caching to file system caching.
A value of 0 will force all caching to the file
system; a value of 2048, the maximum, will force all
caching to memory. The default value is 10. |
When set to False, disables the "minification" of
Logi Engine JavaScript code. This can be useful when debugging
script-related errors. The default value is True.
When set to False, disables multi-threaded processing of
datalayers (which was introduced in v12). The default value is
rdPdfRenderingType |
In order to enable Printer Page Breaks, in reports that use them,
when the report is exported to PDF, this constant should be created,
with the value MSHTML.
By default, single- and double-quotes are supported as quoted string
delimiters in scripting. However, single-quote support can be turned
off by creating and setting this constant to False.
rdSQLIncludeGMTOffset |
Used to speed up the internal processing of DateTime-type data into
ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format, by skipping Time Zone information.
Does not produce significant performance improvements with a small
number of DateTime columns; intended for result sets with large
number of DateTime columns.
Used to manage cached temporary files. Set this constant to specify
the time, in minutes, between clean ups. If this value is -1,
clean up will not run at all; if the value is 0, clean up
will run with every page request. Default value:
5 minutes |
Used to manage cached temporary files. Set this constant to specify
the minimum file age, in minutes, before a file qualifies to be
deleted when the clean up runs. Default value: 60 minutes. Your web server's Session Timeout setting should not be configured to be less than the value assigned to rdTempFileCleanupInterval or its default value of 5 minutes. |