Series.Bubble - Using the Refresh Series Timer
The Refresh Series Timer, added as a Series child element, updates charts automatically, based on a time interval. When the interval is reached, a request is sent back to the web server for updated data. Series are updated with a smooth animation.
Refresh Mode
Series may be refreshed in two ways: either all of the data is refreshed
with each request, or the series data automatically slides to the left one
data interval per refresh. The refresh mode is selected in the Chart X Axis
element's Axis Type attribute. When the Axis Type is not set
to DateTimeLinear, all of the data will be refreshed.
the Axis Type value is DateTimeLinear, newer values are added to the
right side of the chart, previous values slide left, and older values
disappear as they reach the left edge of the chart. In this case, the
Refresh Series Timer element's Time Span attribute is used to specify
the age of the data included. This value must be in hh:mm:ss format
(for example "00:02:00" for two minutes) and must be larger than
the Refresh Interval attribute value.
When a Time Span attribute
is set, the series' datalayer can make use of a special timestamp token,
@Chart.rdTimeSpanStart~, in a query to retrieve just the rows necessary to update the chart. On
the initial request, this token returns the current time minus the Time Span
value. For subsequent refreshes, when Axis Type = DateTimeLinear and
the X-axis will be sliding, the token returns the last time the chart was
updated, so only the newest rows are retrieved. Here's an MS SQL Server
query example:
'@Chart.rdTimeSpanStart~' AND '@Function.DateTime~'