
Stacked clustered Bar.Series option?
0 votes 4 comments
LogiXML Scheduler Service - Error
0 votes 4 comments
Dummy row names with value 0.
0 votes 2 comments
How can we Hide/show Data table column at runtime by input checkbox list element
0 votes 1 comment
Getting issues while exporting the report.
0 votes 1 comment
How Can we add a button in dashboard setting icon.
0 votes 2 comments
How Can we add a button in dashboard setting icon.
0 votes 1 comment
How can we modify the name of export report.
0 votes 3 comments
How To Custom Report Body?
0 votes 3 comments
How can we remove the column by clicking on the column header at run time
0 votes 1 comment
How to add needle in Gauge.Arc chart
-1 votes 3 comments
United Way NCA Hackathon Completed
0 votes 2 comments
Report Excel Export Cleanup
0 votes 3 comments
How to integrate Logi Report in Oracle ADF application?
0 votes 1 comment
Report Sharing Does Not Work
0 votes 1 comment
Logi Info 14.0 Facilitates Better Decision-Making, Improves Efficiency, and More
0 votes 0 comments
How can we set the ending date as Today date in Calendar.
1 vote 1 comment
Embedding in custom websites
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installation Logi Composer
0 votes 2 comments
What 3rd Party Libraries/Frameworks?
0 votes 2 comments
Use Local Datalayer as Dynamic SQL
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How to manage SSRM Bookmarks among Info Bookmarks??
0 votes 1 comment
What new/cool things are you doing with Logi Info?
1 vote 5 comments
Welcome to the New DevNet
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Procedure.Copy File
0 votes 1 comment
Deprecated rdYui.min.js
0 votes 0 comments
Looking at Logi to replace Crystal Reports
0 votes 1 comment
Function DatePart('q', Date()) work wrong for this year 2021
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