Report Sharing Does Not Work
I want to share the report but it doesn't work .It will working in one Server but doesn't work in another .Is there any security parameters or anything else. Please find the below attachment for same.
Hi Akhil,
Are you still having issues with Sharing? If so, can you please post your code? You can do this by right-clicking on an element in Studio and choosing 'Copy', then pasting to a code block here. Be sure to delete out anything sensitive before posting.
The only issue I've had with Sharing is making sure that my Sharing List element's "Sharing Collection Column" matches up with the value of the user logging in.
For example, our @Function.UserName~ is comprised of a SiteID_UserID (e.g. "A64F-387_mbelal"). My Sharing List's datalayer UserName column (set as the Collection Sharing Column) needs to include the SiteID_UserID and not just the UserID "mbelal", or the user won't see the Bookmark.
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