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How Can we add a button in dashboard setting icon.



  • Johnny Stevens

    Hey Pooja,

    You will need to implement a Template Modifier File (TMF) to make changes to the Dashboard Super-Element. Documentation -

    To specifically add something to that list, you'll need to create a TMF and add it to that Dashboard Element. The list displayed there can be found at \rdTemplate\rdDashboard\rdDashboard2Template.lgx. You'll see the Action to edit ~ line 77:

    <Action Type="Popup" ID="ppMenu">
    <PopupOption Caption="Add Panels" ID="ppoAddPanels">
    <Action Type="Javascript" ID="actAddPanels" Javascript="LogiXML.Dashboard.pageDashboard.rdShowAddDashboardPanels();" />

    Your TMF will look something like this:

    <InsertAfterElement XPath="//PopupOption[@ID='ppoAddPanels']">
    <PopupOption Caption="Processed Breakdown" ID="ppoProcBkdn">
    <!-- or whatever Caption and ID you want to assign to the PopupOption -->
    <Action Type= <!-- what you want the option to do here --> />

    You can create your new PopupOption in a (temporary) Studio definition and then right-click > Copy, then paste it into the NewElement so you don't have to build/type the new PopupOption from scratch. I will often place the Template or Definition being modified into a temporary Studio definition but that's just because I like having the visual of Studio in front of me to reference.


  • Seema Verma

    Hi Stevens,

    Thank you for your help!



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