DataLayer.ActiveSQL - Attributes
The DataLayer.ActiveSQL element has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
Source | (Required) Specifies the initial SQL query to be executed, for example SELECT * FROM MyTable. This query will be modified dynamically by the datalayer as its parent element's user interface is manipulated. If other elements allow the user to dynamically affect the data, queries should not include an ORDER BY clause. Use a SQL Sort element instead. Also, SQL queries that include a form of the JOIN clause should individually list all of the desired field names in the SELECT clause. Queries that don't include a JOIN clause can use the asterisk (*), if desired. Tokens can be used, for example, in WHERE clauses, to create dynamic queries. The Browse button for this attribute can be used to launch the Query Builder wizard. |
ActiveSql Buffer Size | Specifies the maximum number of rows to buffer locally. Customizing this value can help performance when the data includes a large number of columns. Default value: 5,000 rows |
Connection ID | Specifies the ID of a Connection.Oracle, Connection.MySQL, Connection.SqlServer (to MS SQL Server 2005+), Connection.PostgreSQL, Connection.DB2, Connection.Redshift, or Connection.Vertica element defined in the _Settings definition. Other connection types will not work. If left blank, the top-most Connection element defined will be used by default. |
Handle Quotes Inside Tokens | Specifies how to handle any single-quotes found in token values used to form part of the SQL statement in the Source attribute. When True, it ensures SQL syntax validity by doubling any single-quotes found. For example, imagine the SQL statement "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CompanyName LIKE '%@Request.Name~%' ". If the value of the Request token is "Trail's Head", the embedded single-quote could be problematic. With the HandlesQuotesInTokens attribute set to True, the SQL statement sent to the database server will become "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CompanyName LIKE '%Trail''s Head%' ". Default: False |
ID | Specifies a unique element ID. Providing a value here is highly recommended for easier identification of data when debugging. |
Maximum Rows | The maximum number of rows to retrieve from the data source, per request. The default was changed to 200 rows or, if pagination is being used, 10 pages, whichever is greater. |