Default Color Sets
If you're using one of the standard Logi themes, the theme will set the default colors. These colors can be identified by looking at the theme's Template Modifier file: <yourAppFolder>\rdTemplate\rdTheme\<ThemeName>\ThemeModifier.xml
If you're not using a theme and do not specify a color set, the following default color set will be applied.
Static Charts
# | Hex Code |
1 | FF3333 |
2 | 33FF33 |
3 | 6666FF |
4 | FFFF00 |
5 | FF66FF |
6 | 99FFFF |
7 | FFCC33 |
8 | CCCCC |
9 | CC9999 |
10 | 339966 |
11 | 999900 |
12 | CC3300 |
13 | 669999 |
14 | 993333 |
15 | 006600 |
16 | 990099 |
17 | FF9966 |
18 | 99FF99 |
19 | 9999FF |
20 | CC6600 |
21 | 33CC33 |
22 | CC99FF |
23 | FF6666 |
24 | 99CC66 |
25 | 009999 |
26 | CC3333 |
27 | 9933FF |
28 | FF0000 |
29 | 0000FF |
30 | 00FF00 |
31 | FFCC99 |
32 | 999999 |
List continues with other colors not shown here.
Animated Charts
# | Hex Code |
1 | AFD8F8 |
2 | F6BD0F |
3 | 8BBA00 |
4 | FF8E46 |
5 | 008E8E |
6 | D64646 |
7 | 8E468E |
8 | 588526 |
9 | B3AA00 |
10 | 008ED6 |
11 | 9D080D |
12 | A186BE |
13 | CC6600 |
14 | FDC689 |
15 | ABA000 |
16 | F26D7D |
17 | FFF200 |
18 | 0054A6 |
19 | F7941C |
20 | CC3300 |
21 | 006600 |
22 | 663300 |
23 | 6DCFF6 |
Colors are repeated again after 23 colors are applied.