InfoGo - Report Design Mode
Just under the report title, you can see the Design and View links, which let you switch modes. When you elect to create a new report (from the Home page), it starts in Design mode but you can switch modes at any time. In Design mode, the components in the report will appear in a series of panels:
Design mode, shown above, lets you build or modify your report.
- Component Toolbox - Components appear on the left. Drag them onto the report canvas to add them.
- Re-arrange components on the canvas by clicking their drag icon -
- and dragging them into a new location.
When you do this, the cursor changes to a Drag cursor and a "Drop Zone" indicator (a yellow bar) will appear as you drag the component toward a new location. If the drop zone is above or between other components, they'll move when the component is dropped. - Configure component settings or delete them by clicking the gear or X icons.
- Add/Remove columns for the Split Row component by clicking the Columns icon.
When you drag a Visual component onto the canvas, the Visual Gallery will be displayed and you can select one or more visuals to be inserted into your report. Chart animation, resizing, hover highlighting, and quicktips will all be active in the report. Each selected visual will be inserted into its own separate panel.