When trying to run the report that has been deployed on the Logi Report server, the server is unable to find the jar file.
The solution for the issue is to add the directory containing the jar file into the CLASSPATH environment variable.
Note: Solution below is specifically referring to 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' jar file. ( Adding mysql JDBC Driver jar file into CLASSPATH)
Below are the steps to achieve the output :
Scenario 1: If the Logi Report Server is in a standalone environment |
1. Shut down your Logi Report Server
2. Take one of these steps below:
- Modify the startup script file of Logi Report Server (e.g. %JReportServer_installroot%\bin\JRServer.bat | to include the mysql JDBC jar in the classpath, for example: CLASSPATH=C:\DBDriver\MySql\mysql-connector-java-5.1.29-bin.jar;%REPORTHOME%\derby\lib*;%REPORTHOME%\lib\JREngine.jar;...
- Copy the mysql JDBC jar file to %installroot%\lib directory directly.
3. Restart Server
Scenario 2: If the Logi Report Server is running as an OS (Windows/Linux/Unix) Service |
1.Shut down your Logi Report Server
2. Take one of these steps below:
- Modify the file NTService.ini under %JReportServer_installroot%\bin to include the patch the mysql JDBC jar in the classpath of both StartArg and ShutdownArg, for example:
StartArg= "-Dinstall.root=D:\JReport\Server15" -classpath "C:\DBDriver\MySql\mysql-connector-java-5.1.29-bin.jar;D:\JReport\Server15\derby\lib*;D:\JReport\Server15\lib\JREngine.jar;
ShutdownArg= "-Dinstall.root=D:\JReport\Server15" -classpath "C:\DBDriver\MySql\mysql-connector-java-5.1.29-bin.jar;D:\JReport\Server15\derby\lib*;D:\JReport\Server15\lib\JREngine.jar;
- Copy the mysql JDBC jar file to %installroot%\lib directory directly.
3. Start Server
Scenario 3: If Logi report server is running in an integrated environment |
1. Copy the mySQL jar file into %Your JReport war%/WEB-INF/lib/
2. Redeploy WAR and start service