Plugin Description
This plug-in sets a Connection element's Connection String attribute dynamically, using data from a text file. It was created to provide a specific security behavior requested by a customer: the ability to manage datasource connections without modifying the _settings file directly. The download includes the plug-in .dll, the VB.NET source code for it, an example _settings.lgx file showing how the plug-in is called, and an example text file (context.txt) which contains the connection string. (.NET)
Plug-In Installation Instructions: Click Here
View Code Snippet
Imports System.Xml Imports System.Web Imports System.IO Public Class LogiPlugin Public Sub setConnectionString(ByRef rdObjects As rdPlugin.rdServerObjects) 'get the variables Dim sConnID As String = rdObjects.PluginParameters("ConnID") Dim sFilePath As String = rdObjects.PluginParameters("ConnFilePath") 'load in XML _settings file Dim xmlSettings As New XmlDocument() xmlSettings.LoadXml(rdObjects.CurrentDefinition) 'locate your connection element from it's ID (this is passed in from the variable) Dim eleConn As XmlElement = xmlSettings.SelectSingleNode("//*[@ID='" & sConnID & "']") 'read the connection string from a text file on the system Dim sConnection As String = GetFileContents(sFilePath) eleConn.SetAttribute("ConnectionString", sConnection) rdObjects.CurrentDefinition = xmlSettings.OuterXml End Sub Public Function GetFileContents(ByVal FullPath As String, _ Optional ByRef ErrInfo As String = "") As String Dim strContents As String Dim objReader As StreamReader Try objReader = New StreamReader(FullPath) strContents = objReader.ReadToEnd() objReader.Close() Return strContents Catch Ex As Exception Return ErrInfo = Ex.Message End Try End Function End Class
Further Reading
How To Create a .NET Plug-In: Click Here
How To Create A Java Plug-In: Click Here
Logi Plug-Ins: Click Here