Crosstab Formula Editor Dialog
The Crosstab Formula Editor helps you to create custom aggregate functions in a crosstab using crosstab formulas. It appears when you select a crosstab component, on the Data panel select <New Crosstab Formula...> under the Crosstab Formulas node, enter a name for the new crosstab formula and then select OK, or right-click a crosstab formula and select Edit Formula on its shortcut menu.
The following are details about options in the editor:
- File
- New Formula
Creates a new formula. - New Summary
Opens the New Summary dialog to create a new summary. - New Parameter
Opens the New Parameter dialog to create a new parameter. - Import UDF Classes
Opens the UDF Classes dialog to import user defined formula classes. - Save
Saves the crosstab formula to the Formulas node. - Save As
Saves the crosstab formula as a new crosstab formula by specifying a new name. - Close
Closes the window.
- New Formula
- Edit
- Undo
Undoes an action. - Redo
Redoes an action. - Cut
Cuts the selected text in the editing panel. - Copy
Copies the selected text in the editing panel. - Paste
Pastes the text that was previously cut or copied in the editing panel. - Delete
Deletes the selected text in the editing panel. - Search
Brings out the Find/Replace dialog. You can then search for text in the editing panel, and replace the found text with different text.
- Undo
- View
- Fields Panel
Specifies whether to show the Fields panel. - Functions Panel
Specifies whether to show the Functions panel. - Operators Panel
Specifies whether to show the Operators panel. - Sort Tree
Sorts functions in the Functions panel and fields in the Fields panel by names.
- Fields Panel
- Formula
- Check
Tests the syntax of your crosstab formula. If the syntax is incorrect, Logi JReport gives the opportunity to correct the errors. - Add Bookmark
Adds a bookmark to a specific position. - Go to Previous Bookmark
Goes to the previous bookmark. - Go to Next Bookmark
Goes to the next bookmark. - Clear all Bookmarks
Clears all of the bookmarks. - Comment/Uncomment
Adds or removes comments. - Add Operators
Specifies a general operator to be used in the editing panel. - Color Converter
A color palette is provided for you to insert the HEX code of a color. - Auto Finish
Enables the automatic input of the other part of a sign pair right after you type in the first part when editing crosstab formula. - Formula References
Shows the formulas that reference the selected UDF function in the Functions panel. - Properties
Shows properties of the crosstab formula in the Formula Properties dialog.- Data Type
The data type of the returned value of the crosstab formula. - Precision
The precision of the returned value of the crosstab formula. If the precision is set to 0, all characters of the returned value will be displayed; if it is set to N, only the first N characters will be displayed. - Scale
The number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the returned value of the crosstab formula.
- Data Type
- Check
- Help
Displays the help document about this feature.
- New Formula
Creates a new crosstab formula. - New Summary
Creates a new summary. - New Parameter
Creates a new parameter. - Save
Saves the formula to the Formulas node. - Save As
Saves the formula as a new formula by specifying a new name. - Properties
Specifies the precision and scale properties of the crosstab formula. - Sort Tree
Sorts functions in the Functions panel and fields in the Fields panel by names. - Fields Panel
Specifies whether to show the Fields panel. - Functions Panel
Specifies whether to show the Functions panel. - Operators Panel
Specifies whether to show the Operators panel. - Help
Displays the help document about this feature. Cut
Cuts the selected text in the editing panel.Copy
Copies the selected text in the editing panel.Paste
Pastes the text that was previously cut or copied in the editing panel.Delete
Deletes the selected text in the editing panel.Undo
Undoes an action.Redo
Cancels undoing an action.Search
Searches for text in the editing panel, and replace the found text with different text.Check
Tests the syntax of your crosstab formula. If the syntax is incorrect, Logi JReport gives the opportunity to correct the errors.Add Bookmark
Adds a bookmark to a specific position.Go to Previous Bookmark
Goes to the previous bookmark.Go to Next Bookmark
Goes to the next bookmark.Clear All Bookmarks
Clears all of the bookmarks.Comment/Uncomment
Adds or removes comments.Add Operators
Selects a general operator to be used in the editing panel.Color Converter
A color palette is provided for you to insert the HEX code of a color.
Fields panel
Displays a list of those fields that are available for crosstab formulas. Those fields contain table columns, formulas, parameters, special fields and other crosstab formulas. Select one field and double-click it to insert it into the editing panel at the insertion point.
Functions panel
Displays a list of the Logi JReport built-in functions and imported user defined formula functions that are available for crosstab formulas. When you select one function and double-click it, Logi JReport will insert the selected function into the editing panel at the insertion point completely with its required syntax items (parentheses, commas, and so on).
Operators panel
Displays a list of the Logi JReport built-in operators that are available for crosstab formulas. Select one operator and double-click it to insert the selected operator into the editing panel at the insertion point.
Formula text panel
In this panel, you can build and edit your crosstab formula. There are several ways to work with crosstab formula:
- Select formula components from the Fields, Functions and Operators panels on the top of Crosstab Formula Editor, and then double-click the components, Logi JReport will then insert them in the crosstab formula;
- Type your crosstab formula in the editing panel directly;
- Use the above two methods together;
- Paste crosstab formula text from the text document of other programs.
The line numbers of the crosstab formula are marked in the left of the panel to help you check it easily.