Scheduling a Report Task
This topic introduces how to schedule a report task in your program using time condition and trigger. The properties for scheduling reports are available in the jet.cs.util.APIConst class in the Logi Report Javadoc.
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Scheduling a Report Task Using Time Condition
The following introduces how to schedule a report task in your program using time condition. You can also refer to the API sample in <install_root>\help\samples\APIServer
for additional information.
- Connect to Logi Report Server as follows:
RptServer server = null;
server = HttpUtil.getHttpRptServer(); - Set the schedule task properties.
The following example publishes the report Employee Information List.cls in the Public Reports > SampleReports folder to disk in the PDF format.
// Set task properties
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(APIConst.TAG_LAUNCH_TYPE, String.valueOf(APIConst.IMMEDIATELY));
props.put(APIConst.TAG_CATALOG, "/SampleReports/");
props.put(APIConst.TAG_REPORT, "Employee Information List.cls");
props.put(APIConst.TAG_TO_DISK, "true");
// TO Disk
// Set the value of PDF for TO_DISK
props.put(APIConst.TAG_TO_PDF, "true");
props.put(APIConst.TAG_PDF, "Employee Information List.cls.pdf");
props.put(APIConst.TAG_REPORT_LANGUAGE, "en_US");
String today = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, new Locale("en", "US")).format(new Date());
props.put(APIConst.TAG_PDF_DIR, "/SampleReports"); - Submit and trigger the task as follows:
String taskID = server.submitScheduledTask("admin", props);
- Get the task result:
CompletedTaskTable completeTable = server.getCompletedTaskTable();
- Shut down the server:
Scheduling a Report Task Using Trigger
The following introduces how to schedule a report task using trigger in your program. You can also refer to the API sample in <install_root>\help\samples\APIServer
for additional information.
- Connect to Logi Report Server as follows:
// get instance of RptServer
RptServer svr = RemoteReportServerToolkit.getRemoteWrappedRptServer("", "1129");
TriggerManager trigMan = svr.getTriggerManager();
String exTriggerName = "exTriggerDemo";
if (!trigMan.contains(exTriggerName)) {
trigMan.createTrigger(exTriggerName, "an external trigger demo");
} - Set the schedule task properties.
The following example publishes the report Payroll Report.cls in the Public Reports > SampleReports folder to the versioning system in the PDF format.
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(APIConst.TAG_LAUNCH_TYPE, String.valueOf(APIConst.IMMEDIATELY));
props.put(APIConst.TAG_TRIGGERS_ARRAY, "exTriggerDemo");
props.put(APIConst.TAG_CATALOG, "/SampleReports/");
props.put(APIConst.TAG_REPORT, "/SampleReports/Payroll Report.cls");
props.put(APIConst.TAG_TO_VERSION, "true");
props.put(APIConst.TAG_TO_VERSION_PDF, "true"); - Submit the task as follows:
taskID = svr.submitScheduledTask("admin", props);
- Trigger the task as follows:
Properties userData = new Properties();, userData);