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Advanced Exporting With JSPs

This topic introduces the export functions that need to be customized using JSPs.

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Exporting the Result Using a JavaScript Function

Page Report Studio provides you with a JavaScript function which allows you to open the report result or export it in a specified format. You can find this function in the file API.js in <install_root>\public_html\javascript\dhtml, as shown below:

function user_oneStepExport(type, options)

The following explains this function's two parameters, type and options, in detail.

type - Specifies the export format.

  • HTML = 0
  • PDF = 2
  • PS = 3
  • RTF = 4
  • TEXT = 5
  • EXCEL = 6
  • XML = 7

options - Specifies the values of the options of each format. It is a string array whose member is of the format "key=value". The options and their usage are listed as follows:

KeyDescriptionAvailable ValueDefault Value
to_verSpecifies whether or not to save the result to version.true, falsefalse
to_openSpecifies whether or not to export and open the result file.true, falsefalse
to_localSpecifies whether or not to save the result to a local file.true, falsefalse
browserSpecifies the web browser type.0 - IE or Chrome

1 - Firefox

imagetypeSpecifies the type of the images in the result file.0 - Decided by Page Report Studio

1 - GIF

2 - JPG

overflowSpecifies the overflow type.0 - VISIBLE



resolutionSpecifies the HTML resolution.Any integer between 1 and 429496729696
titleSpecifies the title for the HTML file.Any string""
cssSpecifies whether or not to embed the cascading style sheet in the exported HTML files.true, falsefalse
multiSpecifies whether or not to generate an HTML file for each page of the report result.true, falsefalse
hyperlinkSpecifies whether or not to contain hyperlinks in the HTML file.true, falsefalse
pagenumberSpecifies whether or not to contain page numbers in the HTML file.true, falsefalse
drilldownSpecifies whether or not to include the drilled-down file in the exported HTML file.true, falsefalse
no_marginSpecifies whether or not to remove the original margins.true, falsefalse
absoluteSpecifies whether or not to make the font size fixed in the web browser.true, false false
to_verSpecifies whether or not to save the result to version.true, falsefalse
to_openSpecifies whether or not to export and open the result file.true, falsefalse
to_localSpecifies whether or not to save the result to a local file.true, falsefalse
no_marginSpecifies whether or not to remove the margin.true, falsefalse
simulateSpecifies whether or not the mode is to be Simulated Printing Mode.true, falsetrue
standardSpecifies whether or not to set the mode as Standard Mode.true, falsefalse
contentSpecifies whether or not to contain the TOC in the exported PDF file.true, falsefalse
drilldownSpecifies whether or not to include the drilled-down file in the exported PDF file.true, falsefalse
encryptSpecifies whether or not to encrypt the report result.true, falsefalse
compressSpecifies whether or not to compress the images in the report.true, falsefalse
ratioSpecifies the percentage with which to compress the images in the report.Any integer between 1 to 10020
compatibilitySpecifies the encryption compatibility.0 - Acrobat 3.0 and later

1 - Acrobat 5.0 and later

doc_pswSpecifies the password for opening the PDF file when encrypt=true.Any string""
permi_paswSpecifies the password for printing and editing the PDF file when encrypt=true.Any string""
printingSpecifies the PDF printing mode.0 - Prevents users from printing the file

4 - Allows low resolution-printing

2052 - Allows high-resolution printing

changesDefines which editing actions are allowed in the PDF file.0 - Prevents users from making any changes to the file

1024 - Allows inserting, deleting, and rotating pages

256 - Allows users to fill in form fields and adding digital signatures.

32 - Allows users to fill in form fields and add digital signatures and comments

40 - Allows users to do anything except extracting pages

2108 - Allows all

enable_copySpecifies whether or not to allow users to copy the file contents.true, falsefalse
enable_accessSpecifies whether or not to let visually impaired users read the document with window readers.true, falsetrue
to_verSpecifies whether or not to save the result to version.true, falsefalse
to_openSpecifies whether or not to export and open the result file.true, falsefalse
to_localSpecifies whether or not to save the result to a local file.true, falsefalse
no_marginSpecifies whether or not to remove the margins in the PS file.true, falsefalse
to_versionSpecifies whether or not to save the result to version.true, falsefalse
to_openSpecifies whether or not to export and open the result file.true, falsefalse
to_localSpecifies whether or not to save the result to a local file.true, falsefalse
rtf_flowSpecifies whether or not to apply a flow layout when exporting the report to RTF.true, falsefalse
no_marginSpecifies whether or not to remove the margins in the RTF file.true, falsefalse
to_verSpecifies whether or not to save the result to version.true, falsefalse
to_openSpecifies whether or not to export and open the result file.true, falsefalse
to_localSpecifies whether or not to save the result to a local file.true, falsefalse
repeatSpecifies whether or not to replace a field value of a record with that of its previous record if the field value is null.true, falsefalse
compressSpecifies whether or not to compress the clearance between columns.true, falsefalse
win_linebreakSpecifies whether or not to use Windows end-of-line characters.true, falsetrue
normalSpecifies whether or not to generate the report result to a standard text file.true, falsetrue
quote_markSpecifies whether or not to mark the fields in the exported file with quotation marks.true, falsefalse
head_footSpecifies whether or not to contain all headers and footers in the report.true, falsetrue
delimiterSpecifies the delimiter.Any single character 
widthSpecifies the user defined character width.An integer 
heightSpecifies the user defined character height.An integer 
to_verSpecifies whether or not to save the result to version.true, falsefalse
to_openSpecifies whether or not to export and open the result file.true, falsefalse
to_localSpecifies whether or not to save the result to a local file.true, falsefalse
wrapSpecifies the word-wrap setting.0 - All Keep Existing

1 - All Disabled

2 - All Enabled

new_layoutSpecifies whether or not to use the new layout mode.true, falsetrue
shapesSpecifies whether or not to include the shapes in the exported file.true, falsefalse
excel_2000Specifies whether or not to export the result in Data Format, which means only the report data will be exported without format.true, falsefalse
advancedSpecifies whether or not to apply the advanced options.true, falsefalse
headerSpecifies the page header text.Any string 
footerSpecifies the page footer text.Any string 
gridlineSpecifies whether or not to print gridlines when printing the exported Excel file.true, falsefalse
to_verSpecifies whether or not to save the result to version.true, falsefalse
to_openSpecifies whether or not to export and open the result file.true, falsefalse
to_localSpecifies whether or not to save the result to a local file.true, falsefalse
only_dataSpecifies whether or not to only contain the database column information in the exported XML file.true, falsefalse
schemaSpecifies the name of an existing schema file with its full path with which to generate the XML file.An existing schema file with its full path. 


  • The three options to_ver, to_open, and to_local are mutually exclusive, that is, only one of them should be true, and the rest false. If you set two or three of them to true, Page Report Studio will only accept the first true and treat the rest as false. If you set all three to false, Page Report Studio will consider to_open as true.
  • In the string array options, the members are separated by commas (","). You can arrange the members in any order, and omit those keys where you want to use the default value. For example, you can define a variable html_options:

    var html_options = ["imagetype=1", "resolution=120", "hyperlink=true", "no_margin=false", "title=hello world"];

    Then, you can use user_oneStepExport(0, html_options) to obtain a URL for exporting the report result in HTML format.

  • Page Report Studio also provides the function user_downloadReport(type, options) whose usage is similar to user_oneStepExport.

Customizing Buttons for One-Step Exporting

Seven buttons are provided for one-step exporting. They are Export to PDF, Export to Excel, Export to RTF, Export to HTML, Export to Text, Export to PS, and Export to XML. By default, the buttons are invisible on the Page Report Studio toolbar. You have to add them to the toolbar by modifying the index.jsp file in <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp.

Use the following two API functions to control the buttons:

  • public void customizeToolbar(String SessionId, String RptSetId, String toolbarname, int[] buttonId);
  • public void customizeToolbar(String SessionId, String RptSetId, String toolbarname, int[] buttonId, boolean isVisible);

Explanation of these parameters:

  • SessionId - session ID, which can be retrieved by DHTMLUtil.getSessionID(request).
  • RptSetId - report ID, which can be retrieved by obDHTMLUtil.getRptSetId(request).
  • toolbarname - toolbar name, such as "Standard", "Analysis", "View", or user defined ones.
  • buttonId[] - toolbar button ID. It is an integer array, so you need define an integer array variant.

    For example: int[] mybuttonid ={DHTMLConstant.TOOLBAR_EXPORTTOPDF, DHTMLConstant.TOOLBAR_EXPORTTOXLS, TMLConstant.BTN_EXPORT_TO_RTF}

    The array elements available for one-step exporting are:

  • isVisible - whether or not to show the buttons defined with buttonID[]. true -- show, false -- hide. This parameter can be absent, and then the value is true.

For example, if you want to add the Export to HTML button to the Page Report Studio toolbar, then:

  1. Open the file index.jsp.
  2. Add the code

    int[] temparray = {DHTMLConstant.TOOLBAR_EXPORTTOHTML};
    dhtmlConfig.customizeToolbar(SessionID, RptSetId, "Standard", temparray, true);


    //<!-- Tool Bar -->
    if(dhtmlConfig.isFeatureEnabled(SessionID, RptSetId, DHTMLConstant.FEATURE_TOOLBAR)){

  3. Start Logi Report Server.
  4. Run a report in Page Report Studio, and you will see a new button Export to HTML on the toolbar.

To add more than one button to the toolbar area, for example, adding Export to HTML and Export to PDF buttons to the toolbar:

  1. Open the file index.jsp.
  2. Add the code

    dhtmlConfig.customizeToolbar(SessionID, RptSetId, "Standard", temparray, true);


    //<!-- Tool Bar -->
    if(dhtmlConfig.isFeatureEnabled(SessionID, RptSetId, DHTMLConstant.FEATURE_TOOLBAR)){

  3. Start Logi Report Server.
  4. Run a report in Page Report Studio and you will see the buttons Export to HTML and Export to PDF are displayed on the toolbar.
  5. Select the added button on the toolbar of the report page, the report will be exported to the corresponding format, using the default values of the format options.

Controlling User Access to Different Export Formats

Page Report Studio introduces an access control ability which can restrict different users to export report result to different formats. This is achieved by passing values to the global variable enableTypes in both customize_panel.jsp and save_result.jsp files in the <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp folder. The value of enableTypes should be Integer, and Page Report Studio gives you the following integers to represent the corresponding report result types:

Report Result Format Int. Value

You can specify a value or an array to enableTypes using the integers in the above table. Or you can also use the integers which are not mentioned above, but if you do so, the Int. values will be ignored, and do not function. That is to say, if you pass the array {1,2,5,9,-2} to enableTypes, 9 and -2 will be ignored and {1,2,5} will work, so PDF, EXCEL, XML formats can be in use.

Assume that there are two users, user1 and user2. When user1 logs on, run a report in Page Report Studio, he can only export the report result as PDF and HTML formats. While user2 can export the report result as RTF and XML formats when logging on. To realize it, you can use the following codes in customize_panel.jsp or save_result.jsp file:

int[] enableTypes=null;
String UserName=null;
enableTypes=new int[]{1,0};
enableTypes=new int[]{4,5};

Customizing Warning Messages

You can customize the warning messages when exporting the report result to XML through Page Report Studio. With this function, you can specify what you want to show as a warning message. The custom warning messages are supported across web browsers.

To customize the warning messages, you need to customize the jsp files using either of the following two methods:

Method 1

  1. Open the save_result.jsp file in the <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp folder with your favorite editor.
  2. Specify the value of customMsgForXML in the save_result.jsp to whatever you want. The value cannot be "" or null.
  3. Run a report in Page Report Studio, select Menu > File > Export to display the Export dialog box.
  4. Select XML from the Select Report Result Format drop-down list, and you can modify other properties as required, then select OK.
  5. A warning message shows as you have defined.

Method 2

You can also export the report result via the Export panel instead of selecting Menu > File > Export. By default, the panel is hidden. So, the following is another way to create custom warning messages:

  1. Open the customize_panel.jsp file in the <install_root>\public_html\dhtmljsp folder with your favorite editor.
  2. Set the class of panelDIV to visibleMargin to show the Export panel on web browser.
  3. Specify the value of customMsgForXML in customize_panel.jsp.
  4. Run a report in Page Report Studio, and the Export panel together with the report shows.
  5. Select XML from the Select Report Result Format drop-down list, and you can modify other properties as required, then select OK.
  6. A warning message shows as you have defined.

For example, using method2, when you need to export the report result as XML, and if you want to show "This is IE Browser" while browser is IE, you need to set panelDIV in customize_panel.jsp file to visibleMargin as follows:

<div id="<%=DHTMLConstant.DHTML_PREFIX%>panelDIV" class="visibleMargin">

And then customize CustomMsgForXML in the same jsp file as follows:

String browserName=request.getHeader("User-Agent");
String customMsgForXML ="This is "+browserName;

Access Logi Report Server via IE, run a report in Page Report Studio, select XML from the Select Report Result Format drop-down list in the Export panel, and select OK. Then a pop-up box will show you "This is IE Browser".

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