Catalog API Sample
This topic provides a sample program that demonstrates how to use the Catalog API to create or modify a catalog - that is located in <install_root>\help\samples\APICatalog
To compile and run the demo program, you should add the required classes to the class path (make sure that the path of the file JREngine.jar is before that of the file report.jar).
After running the program, a new catalog file will be created in C:\Logi JReport\Designer\Demo\MyReports
. Be sure to create this empty directory first.
C:\Logi JReport\Designer\help\samples\APICatalog>javac -classpath "C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\JREngine.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\sac-1.3.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\report.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\log4j-core-2.7.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\log4j-api-2.7.jar;C:\test\classes"
C:\Logi JReport\Designer\help\samples\APICatalog>java -classpath "C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\jrengine.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\sac-1.3.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\report.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\log4j-core-2.7.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\lib\log4j-api-2.7.jar;C:\Logi JReport\Designer\help;C:\test\classes" -Dreporthome=C:\Logi JReport\Designer TestCatalogAPI -path=C:\Logi JReport\Designer\Demo\MyReports -log=C:\Logi JReport\Designer\logs\designer.log
In the second week of December 2021, a Log4j vulnerability was announced that may affect some customers using our products. Resolving/mitigating this issue is a high priority! We will continue to issue information to help you with this vulnerability. For more information, select this link: Statement on Log4j and Log4Net Vulnerabilities.