
Legend Color in CrossTab chart
1 vote 8 comments
Aggregation from Mongo
0 votes 0 comments
Repeat Element DataLayers that need "default" parameter values on initial load
1 vote 4 comments
Calender icon not apperaing on FF browser
0 votes 6 comments
Invalid XHTML response for an AJAX request.
0 votes 0 comments
Repeat Element within a Repeat Element
1 vote 4 comments
The original report is not shown, only the duplicate copy of report can be seen
0 votes 1 comment
Transpose a table?
0 votes 3 comments
Query LDAP Server to construct a report from Groups and their Members
0 votes 0 comments
Sample Center Slide Panel - CSS styling issue
0 votes 2 comments
Link Paramaters in QueryString
0 votes 1 comment
Tabs element - Inactive Tab, change font color on hover
0 votes 2 comments
Does Izenda use the DOTNET CORE 6.0?
0 votes 1 comment
Azure DevOps connections using OData
0 votes 0 comments
DataTableColumn Sort in a SubReport - Mode must be IncludeFrame?
0 votes 2 comments
Error while scheduling bookmark
0 votes 2 comments
Error while scheduling bookmark
0 votes 1 comment
Sum time duration
0 votes 0 comments
How to enable "Global filtering using chart data point" in a dashboard?
0 votes 1 comment
Data Labels (Last Point)
0 votes 3 comments
**Resolved** How to conditionalize the Background Color of DataTable Column in NativeExcel
0 votes 2 comments
Logi Info dark theme
2 votes 5 comments
***Resolved**** Unable to Connect to specified Schema using the Connection
0 votes 1 comment
LamdaEx - Anaylsis Grid - Date Range
0 votes 1 comment
Beta Report Designer
0 votes 0 comments
PDF export - Add DataTable HeaderRows and GroupHeaderRows to top of each page
0 votes 2 comments
**Resolved** ThemeHidden Class not correctly applied in NativeExcel exports
0 votes 4 comments
Filter Data with Search Bar
0 votes 0 comments
Issue with Bookmarks switching between filesystem and database
1 vote 1 comment