General Element
(Required) The General element is the catch-all for a variety of configuration settings and has two child elements, Global Chart Export and Wait Panel. Its attributes include.
Attribute | Description |
Specifies (when using Logi Security) a comma-separated list of Security Right IDs. Users that have one of these rights can edit bookmarks that have been shared with them. | |
Bookmark Collection Default | Specifies the default Bookmark Collection attribute value, which is used in a number of elements. Using this attribute helps ensure consistent values for all bookmark collections. This value is required when sharing bookmarks with the Bookmark Organizer element. For more information, see Bookmarks. If using Logi Security, you can specify a personal collection for each user by including the @Function.Username~ token here. |
Bookmark Folder Location | Specifies the fully-qualified path and folder name where bookmarks will be stored. Bookmarks make it easy for users to build a menu of reports with saved input parameters and can save user configurations of Analysis Grids, Analysis Charts, OLAP Grids, and Dimension Grids. Bookmarks can also be stored in a database, see Storing Bookmark, Gallery, and Save Files in a Database |
Cookie Expiration | Specifies the number of days a cookie created by the application will last. The cookie expiration date is calculated from the present day. The default value is 30 days. You may set the value to Session (the equivalent of 0 days) and cookies will expire when the session ends. |
Cookie Path | Specifies where cookies created by the application will be stored. By default, cookies are stored at the web server level , where they are available to any application on the server. If you want a customized arrangement instead, the Cookie Path attribute allows you to specify a single storage location for all cookies, using a URL. Enter a single slash ("/") for this attribute value to have all cookies be stored at the web server (domain) level, for example "myServer/", or enter a more complex URL for other locations in the Logi application. The web server domain is assumed, so don't include the domain in the value and begin it with a slash ("/"). |
Data Cache Folder | Specifies the fully-qualified path and folder name for storing temporary cache files. Ensure that the ASP.NET system account has full access rights to the folder. You can use a token, such as @Function.AppPhysicalPath~, specify part of the path. Temporary files in this folder are only read by the application and it does not need to be accessible by the end users via HTTP. The default value is the application's rdDataCache folder. For a web farm environment, specify a network folder and change the application's identity from ASP.NET to a network account. |
Specifies a comma-separated list of one or more Security Right IDs that enable debugging for the current user and session. For more information, see Debug Reports. | |
Debugger Style | Specifies which style of debugger should be used. Options include: NoDetail - Prevents any debugger information from appearing when there's an error, so the user cannot see sensitive system security information. This is the default value. Use this option when deploying to production systems. ErrorDetail - When an error occurs, displays a detailed error message. DebuggerLinks - Shows the "Show the Debugger Trace Page" icon or similar link at the bottom every report page. Clicking it displays the Debugger Trace Page. Use this option only during development. For more information, see Debug Reports. DebuggerLinksNoData - Shows the "Show the Debugger Trace Page" icon or similar link at the bottom of every page, but the Debugger Trace Page will not include links to the data. Use this option only during development. Redirect - When an error occurs, redirects to a your custom error page. You must specify the URL to redirect to in the Redirect Error URL attribute. |
Disable Metadata Builder | Specifies whether access to the Web Metadata Builder tool will be disabled foreveryone. The default value is False. Access to the Web Metadata Builder can be restricted more selectively by assigning values to the Security element's Metadata Admin Security Right IDs attribute. |
Doctype Declaration | Adds a Document Type Declaration to the top of the HTML output, which alters the way browsers react to style attributes and tags in HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Follow the link above for information about each standard option. For more information, see Doctype Declarations. The default is Html5, which produces this declaration: <!DOCTYPE HTML> You can type-in any value that begins with "<!DOCTYPE" if you want to specify a custom option. |
Error Log Location | Specifies an optional,fully-qualified path and folder name where Error Log files will be written when an error occurs, if the Log Errors attribute is set to True. Ensure that the account used to run the application has full File Access rights to the folder. The default value is \rdErrorLog in the application folder. Tokens can be used here, if desired: @Function.AppPhysicalPath~\MyErrorLogFolder For use with a Web Farm, specify a shared network folder and change the application's identity to a network account. |
Filter Case Sensitivity | Specifies the whether the Analysis Filter element will be case-sensitive when matching text values. Also affects super-elements that utilize the Analysis Filter internally, such as the Analysis Grid and Dashboard. When set to Sensitive, values match only when the case of the text matches. When left blank or set to Insensitive, case does not matter - so, for example, "abc" will match "Abc". v12.2 SP3 - The option, DataSourceCollation, is also available and applies only when using ActiveSQL datasources. This option sets the filter's case sensitivity to that of the underlying column or database and results in improved filtering performance, especially for columns that are indexed. |
IE Compatibility | Specifies the inclusion of the X-UA-Compatibility meta tag in the HTML output. In some cases, especially when it detects that it's browsing an
Intranet, Internet Explorer automatically reverts to IE7 compatibility mode, disabling
newer browser and HTML features. This attribute helps ensure that Internet Explorer runs in the appropriate mode/version. The default value is IE=edge, which has IE run using the latest features of the IE browser. Set to None to prevent output of the tag. |
Specifies options for the X-Frame-Options directive in the HTML response. This can be used to restrict how embedded Logi app pages may be framed by a parent application. Specify values such as SAMEORIGIN, DENY, or a free form option such as a single host name value or a list of comma-separated host names. When set to SAMEORIGIN, the browser will block rendering only if the origin of the parent application browsing context is different than the origin of the embedded Logi report. When set to DENY, browsers will prevent the embedded Logi report from rendering because it is in a frame. When set to a free form value, the browser will block rendering only if the origin of the parent application browsing context is different than the host name value specified. If a list of comma-separated host names is provided, the parent application needs to supply its own origin information as part of the link-params attribute in the HTML page mark-up, using the custom link parameter "forOrigin". For example, if the value http://hostname1,http://hostname2 is specified then the parent HTML should include the following link parameter as part of the data-linkParams "{'forOrigin','http://hostname2'}". The engine will verify that the forOrigin value matches one of the values of the accepted host names and set the X-Frame-Options directive to allow embedding. | |
Input Value Delimiter | Specifies the delimiter character to be used in the Request tokens generated by User Input elements, such as Input Select List, that allow multiple value selection. |
Specifies the fully-qualified path and name for the folder containing the Logi product license file. Normally, the license file is located in the root folder of each Logi application. However, it may be desirable to have a common location for a single license file for all Logi applications on the server. This attribute specifies such a common folder. If you using this attribute, you must ensure that all Logi applications run under an account with file access rights to files in the specified folder. | |
Specifies a fully-qualified path name for the folder where "tracking" files will be stored. Certain special types of product licenses may log anonymous authentication information. The default location is the rdUserLog folder, under the application's root folder. In some cases, it may be desirable to set a common location on a network for multiple web servers. Ensure that all applications run under an account with file access rights to create and update files in the specified folder. | |
Log Errors | Specifies whether the Debugger Trace Report page files will be written, as HTML files, to the folder specified in the Error Log Location attribute when an error occurs. In order to log the same level of detail found in a typical Debugger Trace Report page (Debugger Style attribute set to DebuggerLinks), the Debugger Style attribute must be set to Redirect and you must specify a Redirect Error URL attribute value. If Debugger Style is set to ErrorDetail or NoDetail, then the log pages will only include the level of detail provided by the corresponding error messages. The files, while typically small in size, are not managed automatically and the system admin will need to do it manually. |
Specifies the code for a valid OEM Distribution License, which allows Logi Info applications to run on a server that does not otherwise have a license key installed. This is especially useful for XCOPY deployments as the Logi Info installer program does not have to be run on the server. Copy the entire XML contents of the OEM license file into this attribute. | |
Redirect Error URL | Required if the Debugger Style attribute is set to Redirect. Specifies the URL for a custom error page to be displayed when an error occurs. You may specify a relative or absolute URL, and the custom error page must be an .aspx page. When an error occurs, before executing the redirect to this URL, the system sets a session variable named rdLastErrorMessage. If desired, you can use this variable in the custom error page to display the actual error message. |
Report Author Upload Folder Override* | Specifies the default value for the Report Author element's Uploaded File Folder attribute. This can be a fully-qualified file system path, or one relative to the web application. Tokens such as @Function.UserName~ can be used here to individualize the folder. If the folder is outside of the application folder, at runtime the image files will be automatically copied to the rdDownload folder prior to rendering them to the client. * Prior to v12.2 SP3, this attribute's name was Report Author Upload Folder. |
Repository Friendly | Specifies whether or not to format definition source code for use with 3rd-party source code repositories, such as GIT and TFS. This value can be set manually here or by using Studio Options. When a new application is created using Studio's New Application wizard, this value is set to True. For more information about its effects, see Using Logi Studio. |
Script Source Debugger Style | Specifies the level of debugging support for scripting in the Debugger Trace Page. Options include: Always - Includes a "View Script" link in the trace page when a script is invoked, if the script is more than one line. If it's only one line, then the script line itself is displayed. OnError - Includes the "View Script" link described above only appears when an error has occurred. None - No link or script source is included. This is the default value. |
Script Value Cache Count | Specifies the maximum number of script formula results to be cached. Caching eliminates the need for a script to be evaluated by the scripting engine repeatedly. The default value is 500. To disable caching, set the value to 0. |
Scripting Language | For .NET applications, specifies the scripting language for attributes that support scripting. The default is JavaScript, which is recommended for new applications. VBScript is still supported but is now deprecated. For Java applications, the scripting language defaults to JavaScript regardless of this attribute setting. |
SQL Injection Guard This attribute |
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderID = ? Injection attacks can potentially perform database inserts, updates, and deletions. A good practice for guarding against such attack-spawned actions is to connect to the database with an account that does not have privileges for those operations, if they aren't needed. |
Studio Element Seeker Port | The Element Seeker locates elements, in Studio, that have been clicked in the browser and it's enabled when this value is set. This attribute specifies the TCP port number used for communication between Studio and the browser. |