InfoGo - Sharing Your Work
You may want to share your work with
other InfoGo users. Sharing is an optional InfoGo feature that may have been enabled by your InfoGo developer.
Sharing Individual Items
Individual reports, dashboard, and analyses (and, in v12.7, visualizations) that appear in your folders can be shared.
In the list of items in a folder, each item has a "Share" icon. A gray Share icon means the item has not been shared with anyone, and a green one means it has been. Click the icon to manage sharing.
In the Share panel, shown above, you can select users or user groups to share this item with. You can see this item has already been shared with user "Thomas".
Using the drop-down filter control, you can filter the list to see Groups, People, or All users with whom you can share this item.
Depending on how the application has been configured, you may or may not see a list of users like the one above. If not, start typing a name in the Find text box and matching user names will be displayed for you. Click the icon by a name or select a name from the suggestions to share this item with them and repeat as necessary for each user.
Click the trash can icon to stop sharing this item with someone.
Items that are shared with someone else (or with you) will be in their Shared with Me folder. Click it to see its contents.
For example, the user Thomas would see the report we shared with him earlier. If he hovers his mouse cursor over the item, he'll be able to see who shared the item with him, as shown above.
Unless you've been given a special role as a "Report Manager", you can't edit items that have been shared with you. You can, however, open them and use the item's gear menu to duplicate it. This will save a copy of it to your My Items folder and you can open and edit the copy.
Duplicated items will be saved in the folder that contains the original item, rather than in the My Items folder.
The additional option Delete may be available, depending on your permissions.
Sharing Entire Folders
In much the same way you share items, you can share entire folders and their contents.
If sharing is enabled, folders will have a Share icon, too, and clicking it will allow you to share it. The same icon color code (gray = not shared, green = shared) apply here. If you shared the "2016" folder with user "Thomas", then...
... he would see the folder and its contents, as shown above. Notice that the item's icon (circled above) indicates that it's shared. Any new items you moved into your 2016 folder later on would also show up in his shared 2016 folder.
Finally, you can also drag a folder from your Shared with Me folder into one of your other folders. This creates a "folder shortcut" with a special icon, as shown above, which can save you the trouble of having to drill-down through many levels of shared folders to get to a folder you use often.
On the other hand, if a folder has been shared with you, you will received a notification on the SSRM Home Page, like below:
Selecting this notification will display information about the author and shared folder. Select the shared item to access the folder:
The bell icon and notification message will only display if your application has been configured to enable notifications. For more information, see Configuring InfoGo Constants.
Editing Shared Content
You and other users who have been given a specific security role can edit a report or dashboard shared with you by others. Users with this role can access the underlying dashboard or report visualizations that are shared with them and make changes. When the changes are saved, the updated visualizations will be visible to anyone with whom the dashboard or report has been shared.
This provides a shared approach to authoring, wherein a user can create a visualization and an administrator or power user can update it to meet corporate standards and then "promote" it for consumption by everyone.