DataLayer.REST - Using Studio's DataLayer Wizard
Logi Studio includes a wizard that can assist you in configuring DataLayer.REST. The wizard assumes that you have already added and configured a Connection.REST element in the _Settings definition.

As shown above, the wizard can be started by selecting and then right-clicking the parent element under which you want to add the datalayer, and using the context menus to select "Add a REST DataLayer". The wizard will open; use it as follows:

- Select the ID of the Connection.REST element from the drop-down list of available connections. Click Next to continue.
- Enter the Url Path for the web service.
You can use tokens here.
- Click Next to continue.
- Click Finish to insert the datalayer.
- The wizard will insert the datalayer and configure its attributes, as shown above. Other attributes, such as XPath, have to be configured manually.