Updating Data in MongoDB
Updating existing data in MongoDB is accomplished using a Process Task and the Procedure.Mongo Update element.
In the example above, a Process Task has been defined that includes a Procedure.Mongo Update element and its attributes have been set to update data into the "animals" collection. Note the use of a @Request token in the update document.
The Procedure.Mongo Update element's attributes include:
Attribute | Description |
Connection ID | (Required) Specifies the ID of a Connection.MongoDB element in the application's _Settings definition. |
ID | (Required) A unique element ID. |
Mongo Collection | (Required) Specifies the name of the document collection to open. This value is case-sensitive. |
Mongo Query Document |
Specifies a Mongo "find" document to identify one or more documents. Examples: Find all documents with "type" equal to "snacks". { type: "snacks" } Find all documents with "type" equal to "food" or "snacks" { type: { $in: [ 'food', 'snacks' ] } } To vary the document content based on user or other input, use tokens, such as @Request, inside the document. |
Mongo Update Document | (Required) Specifies the new document to be updated, or possibly inserted into to the collection. To update selected attributes, instead of replacing the entire document, use the Mongo "$set" operator. To vary the document content based on user or other input, use tokens, such as @Request, inside the document. |
Mongo Write Concern | Specifies whether the procedure should wait for acknowledgement of the write operation. The default value is Acknowledged, meaning wait for acknowledgement. |
Multiple Documents | Specifies whether this command should affect multiple documents. The default value is False. |
Upsert | Specifies whether this update command should be performed as an "Upsert". When the key already exists, the item is updated, otherwise a new item is inserted. The default value is False. |
After an update procedure runs, you can use the special token @Procedure.myProcMongoUpdateID.DocumentsAffected~ to report the number of documents actually updated or inserted by an update operation.