Using "Pushed" Data
You can also refresh charts using data that's "pushed" to the browser. This type of update is ideal for a use case in which many users receive very frequent data updates while avoiding web server performance degradation and negative network bandwidth impacts.
This technique relies on a 3rd party service, like, to transmit the data to the application. These services essentially broadcast data received from a (Logi or non-Logi) data source application to your Logi application in the browser, using a protocol like Web Sockets. You Logi application in the browser listens for these broadcasts and uses the Real-Time Chart API to update your charts.
Here's an example:
An external PHP application (not shown) generates data periodically and sends it to
The API library is included in our Logi definition using an Include Script File element, with its Script File attribute set to //
The following JavaScript code is included in the definition using an Include Script element:
// init the pusher API channel and bind the updates.
var pusher = new Pusher('yourPusherID');
var channel = pusher.subscribe('live_data');
channel.bind('new_data', function(data) {
// when a message has been sent to the pusher API, it will enact this code block
var dataObj = data.feed;
// target and capture the line chart object
var chartCanvasObject = rdGetChartCanvasObject('RealtimeDataChart');
for($i = 0; $i < dataObj.length; $i++){
// load the data records to the data array
var myData = [];
x: new Date(dataObj[$i].datetime),
y: parseInt(dataObj[$i].value)
// create the new chartOptions object
var chartOptions = {
series: [{
id: 'RealtimeLine',
data: myData
// update the line chart
if(chartCanvasObject != null){
// append the new data to the existing chart series
chartCanvasObject.rdSetChartData(chartOptions, 'AppendData', 100);
Whenever broadcasts new data, our Logi application will receive it and update the chart, without making a request to the Logi application web server or refreshing the web page.