Web Behaviors Dialog Box
The Web Behaviors dialog box helps you to specify web behaviors to the markers and/or areas of the selected group in a geographic map. It appears when you select the Web Behaviors button in the Display screen of the map wizard.
The dialog box contains the Marker and/or Area tabs with the same contents.
The following are details about options in this dialog box:
Specifies some web behaviors to the markers of the selected group in the geographic map. Available when Enable Marker in the Display screen of the map wizard is selected.
Specifies some web behaviors to the areas of the selected group in the geographic map. Available when Enable Area in the Display screen of the map wizard is selected.
Adds a new web behavior line.
Removes the selected web behavior.
Moves the selected web behavior higher in the list.
Moves the selected web behavior lower in the list.
Specifies the trigger event from the drop-down list.
Specifies the web action you want the event to trigger.
Ellipsis button
Select to open the Web Action List dialog box to bind a web action to the event.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog box.
Does not retain changes and closes this dialog box.
Displays the help document about this feature.