Edit Additional Value Dialog
The Edit Additional Value dialog helps you to add additional values to be shown in a chart or modify the existing additional values. It appears when you select Constant Value/Average Value in the Resources box in the Display screen of the chart wizard and select to add it to the value box, or select an additional value in the value box and then select when you create or modify a chart.
The dialog varies according to different value types.
If it is a constant value, options in the dialog are as follows.
Specifies the display name of the constant value.
Specifies the constant value. Its data type must be numerical.
Creates the constant value and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays the help document about this feature.
If it is an average value, options in the dialog are as follows.
Specifies the display name of the average value.
Based On
Specifies a summary or formula field based on which the average value will be calculated.
Creates average value and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays the help document about this feature.