Send Message - Web Action Builder Dialog Box
The Send Message-Web Action Builder dialog box helps you to build a Send Message web action on an object so as to send out a message when the event bound with the action is triggered at runtime. It appears when you select *Send Message and then select OK in the Web Action List dialog box.
The following are details about options in the dialog box:
Specifies the message that will be sent out.
- 0001 - Filter
Specifies to send out the built-in Filter message, which will ask the data component who receives the message to filter itself based on the filter condition defined in the message. - 0002 - Sort
Specifies to send out the built-in Sort message, which will ask the data component who receives the message to sort itself based on the sort condition defined in the message. - 0003 - Parameter
There are two types:- Automatic
Specifies to send out the built-in Parameter message with all the parameter values used in the current library component, which will ask the library component in which the data component that receives the message is to re-run itself using the same parameter values. - Customized
Specifies to send out the built-in Parameter message, which will ask the library component in which the data component that receives the message is to re-run itself using the parameter value defined in the message. In this case, you need to define a parameter with a value.
For compatibility with earlier versions, the previous 0003 - Parameter message will be converted to the Customized type and 0004 - Parameters to the Automatic type.
- Automatic
- 0004 - On-screen Filter
Specifies to send out the built-in On-screen Filter message, which will ask the data component who receives the message to filter itself based on the filter condition defined in the message. - User Defined
Specifies to send out a user-defined message.- ID
Specifies the ID of the message. - Name
Specifies the name of the message.
- ID
Adds a new message key-value line. Not available to built-in messages.
Removes the selected message key-value line. Not available to built-in messages.
Moves the selected message key-value line higher in the message list. Not available to built-in messages.
Moves the selected message key-value line lower in the message list. Not available to built-in messages.
Specifies the key of the message. For a built-in message, the key cannot be changed.
Data Type
Specifies the data type of the value. For a built-in message, the data type cannot be changed.
Specifies the value of the key.
Accepts the changes and closes this dialog box.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog box.
Displays the help document about this feature.