Appendix 1: URL Properties for Running, Scheduling, and Viewing Reports via URL
This topic describes the basic URL properties concerned with running and scheduling reports, viewing report results, and adding and deleting users and roles.
You need to specify the properties for each report format when you run or schedule reports via URL. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc.
This topic contains the following sections:
- General URL Properties for Running and Scheduling Reports
- URL Properties for Scheduling Reports
- URL Properties for Viewing Report Results
- URL Properties for Adding and Deleting Users/Roles
General URL Properties for Running and Scheduling Reports
Property | Description |
jrs.path | Specifies a path or a resource name with full path.
Example: /SampleReports, or /SampleReports/Payroll Report.cls |
jrs.catalog | Specifies the catalog name with full path.
Example: /SampleReports/, or | | Specifies the report name with full path.
Example: /SampleReports/Employee Information List.cls, or %2fSampleReports%2fEmployee Information List.cls |
When specifying the full path of a resource in the above three properties:
| |
jrs.result_type | Specifies which format to run a report to.
Possible values:
jrs.param$+PARAMETER_NAME | Specifies parameter values for running the report.
Use jrs.param$NAME=VALUE to set parameter values of the report, where NAME is the parameter name and VALUE is the URL-encoded parameter value. For example: When specifying values for a multi-value parameter, you need to add _isMultiple_jrs.param$NAME=true before the parameter values to declare that the parameter supports multiple values. For example: |
jrs.param_values | Specifies parameter values for running the report. This is the escaped string of the parameter values of the report. Format: PARAMETER_NAME=VALUE,PARAMETER_NAME=VALUE,... Examples:
jrs.param_page | Specifies whether to show the parameter dialog box for specifying parameter values that are not provided by jrs.param$ in the URL. Such parameter dialog boxes include the one displayed during report running and those brought by actions that lead to the change of parameters after the report is rendered in Page Report Studio, for example, the actions such as inserting a formula with a new parameter, running a master/detail report, and so on. However, the dialog box displayed via Menu > Report > Change Parameters is not affected by this property, because the dialog box is to display all the parameters of the report.
When it is true and the value of a middle level cascading parameter (including old style cascading parameter) is provided, the parameter dialog box only shows the lower level parameters. When it is false, no involved parameter dialog box will pop up during the whole report running. The given parameter values and the default values of the other parameters will be used to run the report.
The default value of the property is true. |
jrs.rpt_language | Specifies the language in which to generate the report. The value you set for this command should be consistent with the language and country code part of the language property file name. For example, if the language property file is named, you should set this command as jrs.rpt_language=de_DE. You can also use jrs.rpt_language=de&jrs.rpt_country=DE to achieve the same goal. If you only want to use jrs.rpt_language=de, then you will have to rename the language property file to
jrs.rpt_encoding | Specifies the encoding in which you want to generate the report. |
jrs.has_style | Specifies whether to enable the style group that has been set for the report. |
jrs.style_group | Specifies the style group which could be StyleName<CSS> or StyleName.css. StyleName<CSS> is CSS Style Sheet whose name is StyleName in the Logi Report resources system. It may come from a .css file on disk or be created from the CSS editor. StyleName.css is a *.css file on disk which may not follow the CSS style rule and therefore not work. You should use jrs.style_group=StyleName<CSS> in case StyleName.css fails though both can work most of the time. |
jrs.db_user | Specifies the new database user ID if you do not want to use the default DB user ID stored in the catalog. |
jrs.db_pswd | Specifies the new database password if you do not want to use the default DB password in the catalog. |
jrs.jdbc_url | Specifies the new JDBC URL in the catalog to run a report. |
jrs.jdbc_driver | Specifies the new JDBC driver in the catalog to run a report. |
jrs.wp | Specifies the WHERE portion. For example, a report has the DBField Customer Region, and you want to restrict the field Customer Region to CA in the URL. You can then set a new WHERE portion such as, "...jrs.result_type=1&jrs.wp=Customers.Region='CA'...". |
jrs.named_wp | Specifies the named WHERE portion that exists in the catalog. |
jrs.jdbc_connection_object | Specifies to dynamically use the user's java.sql.Connection object to run a report. This parameter can be used in methods runReport(), runReportNotWaitResult() and submitScheduledTask() of jet.server.api.RptServer. Example: Running a report with user's JDBC connection object using the Logi Report Server API.
jrs.security_file_name | Specifies to apply a security file. When a security file is given, the security definitions in the specified catalog will be replaced by that defined in the security file. |
jrs.applet_type | Specifies the Java runtime environment to run applets.
Possible values:
jrs.web_browser | Specifies the web browser for which the HTML result adapts.
Possible values:
jrs.timeout_send_email | Specifies whether to notify someone of the task status via e-mail if the task has not yet finished running when the task duration is up. Possible values: true/false. The task duration uses the time specified by jrs.report_timeout in the URL. If there is not jrs.report_timeout, the time specified by web.timeouts.report_wait in the file in <install_root>\bin will be used. |
jrs.report_timeout | Specifies a time duration in seconds for a scheduled report running task. |
jrs.mailto | Specifies the address you want to send the e-mail to. |
jrs.mailsubject | Specifies the subject of the e-mail. |
jrs.mailcomments | Specifies the comments to the e-mail contents. |
jrs.mailfrom | Specifies the e-mail address of the sender. |
jrs.timeout_sendmail_message | Specifies the content of the e-mail. |
![]() | Add the property CustomOffset=true in the URL if you want the date and time values in your report to use the time zone that you have set on the values in the XML data source, instead of using the time zone of your server runtime environment. In the case you do not add the property in the URL which means that CustomOffset=false, if you have not provided a specific time zone in the URL or session, the server runtime time zone is the time zone setting you defined in the Server Console > My Profile.
URL Properties for Scheduling Reports
Property | Description |
General properties | |
jrs.task_class | Specifies the class name of the task.
Possible values:
jrs.has_task_listener | Specifies whether to implement TaskListener. |
jrs.task_listener_class | Specifies the user's Java class name which implements the TaskListener (jrs.task_listener_class). |
jrs.task_id | Specifies the task ID of a scheduled task. This property is unnecessary if a new schedule is submitted. |
jrs.mail_to_referuser | Specifies whether to send mails to each user who is authorized to view a report with cached report bursting. |
jrs.is_bursting_task | Indicates it is to schedule a bursting report task. |
jrs.bursting_schema$Schema_Name | Specifies the names of the schemes to schedule. |
Publishing to the versioning system properties | |
jrs.to_version | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the versioning system. |
jrs.to_version_rst | Specifies whether to publish page report to a Logi Report result file (RST file) or publish web report to a static web report result file (WST file). You can further specify the result properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_version_rsd | Specifies whether to publish the report to a page report result file (RSD file). You can further specify the result properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_version_html | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the versioning system in HTML format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_version_pdf | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the versioning system in PDF format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_version_excel | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the versioning system in Excel format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_version_txt | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the versioning system in Text format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_version_rtf | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the versioning system in RTF format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_version_xml | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the versioning system in XML format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_version_ps | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the versioning system in PostScript format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.archive_location | Specifies the location for the saved report result version.
Possible values:
jrs.enable_archive_policy | Specifies whether to apply an archive policy to the report result version. |
jrs.archive_new_version | Specifies how to archive the new version.
Possible values:
jrs.need_expire | Specifies whether the report result will be expired. |
jrs.auto_delete_method | Specifies when the report result will be expired and deleted. Set the result to be automatically deleted within one hundred years. If the time you specify exceeds one hundred years, Logi Report Server will keep the report result forever.
Possible values:
jrs.expire_days | Specifies the number of days a result version will be kept until it expires. The default value is 30. |
Publishing to the file system properties | |
jrs.to_disk | Specifies whether the report is scheduled for publishing to disk. |
jrs.to_rst | Specifies whether to publish page report to a Logi Report result file (RST file) or publish web report to a static web report result file (WST file). You can further specify the result properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_rsd | Specifies whether to publish the report to page report result file (RSD file). You can further specify the result properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_html | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the file system in HTML format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_pdf | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the file system in PDF format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_excel | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the file system in Excel format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_text | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the file system in Text format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_rtf | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the file system in RTF format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_xml | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the file system in XML format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_ps | Specifies whether to publish the report result to the file system in PostScript format. You can further specify the format properties. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.to_disk_xxx_path_type | Specifies where to publish the report result in xxx format: to the server resource tree or to the server disk path.
Possible values:
jrs.xxx_dir | Specifies the path for the published xxx format file. | | Specifies the file name for the published xxx format file. |
Publishing to e-mail properties | |
jrs.jrmail + NUMBER | Contains specifications (Logi Report mail properties) of one send-mail task for a report. |
jrs.csmail + NUMBER | Contains specifications (Logi Report mail properties) of one send-mail task for sending an e-mail with or without an attachment. This property is used via URL or via invoking Server API. |
jrs.mailto | Specifies the mail address. |
jrs.mailcc | Specifies the mail address to be carbon copied to. |
jrs.mailbcc | Specifies the mail address to be blind carbon copied to. |
jrs.mailsubject | Specifies the subject of the e-mail. |
jrs.mailcomments | Specifies the comment of the e-mail. |
jrs.mailformat | Specifies the mail format.
Possible values:
When sending the report result as an attachment file, you need to specify a file name using jrs.mailattach + NUMBER. You can further specify format properties for the attachment file. For more information, see the Logi Report Javadoc. |
jrs.mailcompress | Specifies whether to enable Java archive compress. |
jrs.mailattach + NUMBER | The attached file for this mail. You can attach multiple files with one mail.
Possible values: The attached file name. |
jrs.mailencoding | The encoding of the mails.
Possible values: UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO8859-1, and so on.
For example, your web application calls Logi Report Server (standalone) via the RMI function from WebSphere, and UTF-8 (use UTF-8 rather than UTF8) will be used as the mail encoding, do as follows:
Publishing to a printer properties | |
jrs.if_print | Specifies whether to print the report result. |
jrs.printer | The printer with which to print the report result. |
jrs.print_copies | The number of copies to print the report result. |
jrs.print_mediatray | The custom tray to put the printing paper. |
jrs.has_margins | Specifies whether to have margins in the printed report result. |
When jrs.has_margins=true, you must set the following properties: | |
jrs.margins_left | The length of the left margin to print the report result. |
jrs.margins_right | The length of the right margin to print the report result. |
jrs.margins_top | The length of the top margin to print the report result. |
jrs.margins_bottom | The length of the bottom margin to print the report result. |
jrs.margins_unit | The unit to print the report result. Possible values:
Publishing to fax properties | |
jrs.to_fax | Specifies whether to publish the report result to fax. |
jrs.to_fax_quality | The fax quality. Possible values:
jrs.to_fax_is_inclue_cover | Specifies whether to send a cover sheet with the fax. |
jrs.to_fax_date | Specifies the date on which the fax is to be sent. |
jrs.to_fax_to | Specifies the fax recipient. |
jrs.to_fax_to_fax_num | Specifies the fax number of the recipient. |
jrs.to_fax_from | Specifies the fax sender. |
jrs.to_fax_from_company_name | Specifies the sender's company. |
jrs.to_fax_from_phone | Specifies the sender's phone number. |
jrs.to_fax_subject | Specifies the subject of the fax. |
jrs.to_fax_comments | Specifies the comments of the fax. |
jrs.to_fax_urgent | Specifies whether the fax is urgent. |
jrs.to_fax_for_review | Specifies whether the fax is for review. |
jrs.to_fax_please_comment | Specifies whether the recipient is required to comment on the content of the fax. |
jrs.to_fax_please_reply | Specifies whether a reply is required for the fax. |
Publishing to FTP properties | |
jrs.to_FTP | Specifies whether to publish the report result to FTP. |
jrs.ftp | Specifies an FTP site by holding the FTP setting properties. To configure multiple FTP sites, use jrs.ftp0 to specify the first site and jrs.ftp1 to specify the second, and so on. Multiple sites are separated by &.
Example: |
jrs.ftpLbl | Specifies the label of the FTP server. |
jrs.ftpHost | Specifies the host of the FTP server. |
jrs.ftpPort | Specifies the port of the FTP server. |
jrs.ftpUn | Specifies the user name for logging in the FTP server. |
jrs.ftpPsd | Specifies the password for logging in the FTP server. |
jrs.ftpAcct | Specifies the account for logging in the FTP server. |
jrs.ftpLoc | Specifies the remote directory on the FTP server to which the files will be published. |
jrs.ftpHdlCls | Specifies the FTP client-end handler class for communicating with the FTP server.
Possible values: FTPHandler class name or null which is the default value. |
jrs.ftpProt | Specifies the protocol for communicating with the FTP server.
Possible values:
jrs.ftpsConType | Specifies the connection type of FTPS.
Possible values:
jrs.ftpsEnNoSec | Specifies whether to enable falling back to the no-security FTP connection if the explicit FTPS connection is not available. |
jrs.ftpsKSType | Specifies the keystore type of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsKSFile | Specifies the keystore file of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsKSPsd | Specifies the keystore password of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsKMAlg | Specifies the keymanager algorithm of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsSecProt | Specifies the security protocol of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsTMAlg | Specifies the trustmanager algorithm of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsTransMode | Specifies the transfer mode of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsTSType | Specifies the truststore type of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsTSFile | Specifies the truststore file name of FTPS. |
jrs.ftpsTSPsd | Specifies the truststore password of FTPS. |
jrs.sftpC2SCmpA | Specifies the C2S compression algorithms of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpC2SCphA | Specifies the C2S cipher algorithms of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpC2SLang | Specifies the C2S language of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpC2SMA | Specifies the C2S MAC algorithms of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpHKAlgs | Specifies the host key algorithms of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpKexAlgs | Specifies the kex algorithms of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpKH | Specifies the knownhosts file of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpS2CCmpA | Specifies the s2c compression algorithms of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpS2CCphA | Specifies the S2C cipher algorithms of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpS2CLang | Specifies the S2C language of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpS2CMA | Specifies the S2C MAC algorithms of SFTP/SCP. |
jrs.sftpSHKC | Specifies whether to check the strict host key.
Possible values: {yes, no} |
jrs.ftp_param_validation | Specifies the command of checking the validation of FTP connection options.
Possible values:
jrs.ftpIsDht | Specifies whether to export TOC in the HTML result. |
The following properties are used to specify in which formats to send the report result file to the FTP site. For each result file you can further specify the format properties. | |
jrs.ftpRst | Specifies whether to send report result in a Logi Report Result file (for page report) or in a Web Report Result file (for web report) to the FTP site. |
jrs.ftpRstFn | Specifies the file name of the Logi Report Result file (for page report) or of the Web Report Result file (for web report). |
jrs.ftpHtml | Specifies whether to send the report result in an HTML file to the FTP site. |
jrs.ftpHtmlFn | Specifies the file name of the HTML file. |
jrs.ftpPdf | Specifies whether to send the report result in a PDF file to the FTP site. |
jrs.ftpPdfFn | Specifies the file name of the PDF file. |
jrs.ftpExl | Specifies whether to send the report result in an Excel file to the FTP site. |
jrs.ftpExlFn | Specifies the file name of the Excel file. |
jrs.ftpTxt | Specifies whether to send the report result in a Text file to the FTP site. |
jrs.ftpTxtFn | Specifies the file name of the Text file. |
jrs.ftpRtf | Specifies whether to send the report result in a RTF file to the FTP site. |
jrs.ftpRtfFn | Specifies the file name of the RTF file. |
jrs.ftpXml | Specifies whether to send the report result in an XML file to the FTP site. |
jrs.ftpXmlFn | Specifies the file name of the XML file. |
jrs.ftpPs | Specifies whether to send the report result in a PostScript file to the FTP site. |
jrs.ftpPsFn | Specifies the file name of the PostScript file. |
Notification properties | |
jrs.notification_emails | Specifies the e-mail notification list for successful/failed scheduled tasks. |
jrs.success_notify | Specifies to send e-mail notification for successful reports. |
jrs.fail_notify | Specifies to send e-mail notification for failed reports. |
Time condition properties | |
jrs.timezone | Specifies the time zone.
Possible values: time zone ID strings of java default is current locale. |
jrs.launch_type | Specifies to run a report immediately, at a specific time or periodically.
Possible values:
Properties for a specific date and time (jrs.launch_type=1) | |
jrs.exe_date | Specifies a date. |
jrs.exe_year | Specifies a year of 4 numbers. |
jrs.exe_month | Specifies a month.
Possible values: 0 to 11. 0 is January, 1 is February, ..., and 11 is December. |
jrs.exe_day | Specifies a day number. |
jrs.exe_hour | Specifies an hour number (when jrs.is_hourly is false). |
jrs.exe_min | Specifies a minute number (when jrs.is_hourly is false). |
jrs.exe_sec | Specifies a second number (when jrs.is_hourly is false). |
Properties for periodical time (jrs.launch_type=8) | |
jrs.is_after | Specifies whether to run after the specified date and time, also the start time of the whole periodical time. If the value is true, use properties for a specific time to define the specific time. |
jrs.is_before | Specifies whether to run before the specified date and time. If the value is true, the specified time is represented by the jrs.cease_* properties. |
jrs.cease_year | Specifies a year of 4 numbers. |
jrs.cease_month | Specifies a month.
Possible values: 0 to 11. 0 is January, 1 is February, ..., and 11 is December. |
jrs.cease_day | Specifies a day number. |
jrs.cease_hour | Specifies an hour number (when jrs.is_hourly is false). |
jrs.cease_min | Specifies a minute number (when jrs.is_hourly is false). |
jrs.cease_sec | Specifies a second number (when jrs.is_hourly is false). |
jrs.days_id | Specifies whether the schedule will run daily, weekly or monthly.
Possible values: |
Properties for daily (jrs.days_id=0) | |
jrs.is_weekday | Specifies whether to run a report on each weekday (Monday to Friday). | | Specifies that the report will run once every how many days specified here (when jrs.is_weekday is false). For example, if the value is set to 1, the report will run once every day. If the value is set to 2, the report will run once every 2 days.
Possible values: 1 to 999 days |
Properties for weekly (jrs.days_id=1) | |
jrs.week | Specifies that the report will run once every how many weeks specified here.
Possible values: 1 to 99 weeks |
jrs.weekdays | Specifies on which days to run in a week. Possible values: A digit string. {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, ..., and 6 is Saturday. Example: jrs.weekdays=05 means running on Sunday and Friday. |
Properties for monthly (jrs.days_id=2) | |
jrs.is_day | Specifies whether to run on the xth day in a month. | | Specifies to run on the xth day in a month (when jrs.is_day is true).
Possible values: 1 to 31 |
jrs.week | Specifies to run on the xth week in a month (when jrs.is_day is false). Possible values:
jrs.weekday | Specifies to run on which day in the week (jrs.is_day is false).
Possible values: 1 to 7. 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, ..., and 7 is Saturday. |
jrs.month | Specifies that the report will run once every how many months specified here. Possible values: 1 to 6 months. |
Properties for a specific time | |
jrs.hour | Specifies to run at which hour in a day. |
jrs.min | Specifies to run at which minute in an hour. |
jrs.is_pm | Specifies whether the time is PM or AM in a day. |
Properties for hourly | |
jrs.is_hourly | Specifies whether to run the schedule every hour. |
jrs.hours | Specifies that the report will run once every how many hours specified here. Possible values: 1 to 99 hours |
jrs.at_min | Specifies to run at which minute in an hour. |
jrs.is_between | Specifies whether to run between the start time and the finish time. When the value is true, see Properties for when jrs.is_between=true to define a time duration. |
Properties for minutely | |
jrs.is_minutely | Specifies whether to run the schedule every minute.
jrs.minutes | Specifies that the report will run once every how many minutes specified here. |
jrs.is_between | Specifies whether to run between the start time and the finish time. When the value is true, see Properties for when jrs.is_between=true to define a time duration. |
Properties for when jrs.is_between=true | |
jrs.hour | Specifies the start hour of a period of time. |
jrs.min | Specifies the start minute of a period of time. |
jrs.is_pm | Specifies whether the start time is PM or AM. |
jrs.hour2 | Specifies the finish hour of a period of time. |
jrs.min2 | Specifies the finish minute of a period of time. |
jrs.is_pm2 | Specifies whether the finish time is PM or AM. |
URL Properties for Viewing Report Results
Property | Description |
jrd_filters | Specifies the values of on-screen filters. |
jrs.file | Specifies the file name of the result. |
jrs.hist_file | Specifies the file name of the result with its real path in the <install_root>\history folder, for example, 1%2fadmin567625353%2f2109098280.pdf. |
jrs.resource_path | Specifies the path of the resource in the server resource tree, for example, /SampleReports. |
jrs.result | Specifies the name of the result with its path in the server resource tree, for example, /SampleReports/Payroll Report. |
jrs.rst_version | Specifies the version number of the result. |
jrs.ver_suff | Specifies the suffix of the result file.
Possible values:
jrs.version_number | Specifies the version number of the resource, for example, 1. |
type | Specifies the type of the result.
Possible values:
jrs.is_pls_result=true | Applies cached report bursting to view the result. |
URL Properties for Adding and Deleting Users/Roles
Property | Description |
currentEditRealm | Specifies the security realm in which the user/role is. |
user | Specifies the name of the user. |
fullName | Specifies the full name of the user. |
Specifies the e-mail address of the user. | |
password | Specifies the password of the user. |
confirmPassword | Confirms the password. |
accountDisabled=ON | Disables the user account for the time being. |
passwordLife | Specifies the validity period of the password.
Possible values:
expireTime | Specifies a period of time in days during which the password is valid. |
enableBlank | Specifies the length of the password.
Possible values:
minLength | Specifies the minimum number of characters that can be used in the password.
Possible values: 1 to 20 |
roleName | Specifies the name of the role. |
parentRoles | Specifies the parent role for the role.
Possible values: An existing role name or "NoneParent" which means that the role does not have a parent role. |
description | Specifies the description for the role. |
jrs.privilege_publish_report | Specifies whether to grant the user/role the ability to publish resources to Logi Report Server. |
jrs.privilege_access_advanced_properties | Specifies whether to grant the user/role the ability to view advanced version properties information, such as catalog connections and report related resources. |