Reserved Words
Logi Info makes use of a set of special constants and "reserved" words that developers should be aware of. Developers should avoid using the reserved words in their definitions as identifiers as they may cause errors when application runs.
The Logi Server Engine deals with elements and data as XML and this can produce some parsing challenges. Developers should be careful not to assign names to elements, session variables, request variables, or link parameters that match the following words:
- rd* (any word that begins with "rd")
- Action
A general rule of thumb is to avoid using any attribute name as an ID or as a name for elements, session variables, request variables, or link parameters. Common attribute names include:
Axis Border Caption Class Color Columns Command Condition Cube Database Display Domain Event Expression Filename Folder |
Font Format Formula Function Height HTML ID Image Increment Iteration Javascript Keyword Language Latitude Layout Length |
Location Longitude Method Modal Namespace Note Ordered Orientation Password Period Port Radius Refresh Rows Scrolling Server |
Size Source Style Text Theme Thickness Title Tooltip Top Type URL User Value Width Worksheet XPath |