Glassfish 3.0 / 3.1 / 4.0
This topic demonstrates how to configure Glassfish 3.0 / 3.1 / 4.0.
(Glassfish 3.x only) Manually add a .war extension to the Logi application folder. Deploy your application manually using the Glassfish Admin Console.
In addition to the recommended options listed in Setting Java Options, set the -XX:MaxPermSize setting to a minimum of 300m.
Click this link sun-web.xml to open it in your browser. Right-click and select "View page source" (or similar) to see a plain text version of the code. Save this code as <LogiAppFolder>/WEB-INF/sun-web.xml.
Click this link faces-config.xml to open it in your browser. Right-click and select "View page source" (or similar) to see a plain text version of the code. Save this code as<LogiAppFolder>/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml.