Customizing Dimension Grid Appearance
Dimension Grid appearance can be changed most easily by applying a theme to the report definition. Most of the screen shots in this topic were taken with the Signal theme applied.
You can create your own custom theme, based on a standard theme, using the Use the Theme Editor tool.
Changing Appearance Using Style Classes
Dimension Grid appearance can be also customized using style classes and Logi Studio provides the following standard style sheet for all Dimension Grids:
Developers can override classes in this style sheet by copying them to their application style sheet and modifying them there.
Do not make changes in the standard style sheet in the rdTemplate folder.
Changing Appearance Using Template Modifiers
The Dimension Grid element uses a "template file" to define certain element properties that are not otherwise available as attributes to the developer for modification. These include language- and culture-specific Caption attributes that you may want to change for locale-based reasons (or you may simply want to change the captions to better suit your application).
The element's Template Modifier File attribute identifies a custom XML file developers can create containing elements that will override the same elements in the template file.
For example, the Dimension Grid template file:
contains several Label elements. One of them has an ID of "lblChartDrillDown"; this controls the caption that says "Click the chart to drill down.". This text can be modified by changing the Caption associated with that Label element.
For example, to change the Label text from its default to the French version, Cliquez sur le graphique pour forer vers le bas", create your own XML file, identify it in the Dimension Grid element's Template Modifier File attribute, and add this code to it:
<SetAttribute ID="lblChartDrillDown" Caption="Cliquez sur le graphique pour forer vers le bas" />
You can set the attributes for any number of elements in this file; examine the rdDgTemplate.lgx file to learn the ID and Caption attributes available. The template modifier file can be in any folder accessible to the web application; if a fully-qualified file path is not provided in the Template Modifier File attribute value, then the application expects it to be in your project's _SupportFiles folder.
More detailed information about template modifier files can be found in Template Modifier Files.