Applying the Unit Conversion Column
The following example illustrates how the Unit Conversion Column is used:

All of the attributes mentioned below are required:
- As shown above, a Unit Conversion Column element is added as a child to a datalayer element.
- Its Data Column attribute value is set to the name of the column in that datalayer whose value will be converted.
- The Unit Type attribute is set to the standard category name for the data units. It's important to do this before setting the other attributes.
- The From Unit attribute is set from the pull-down list of optionsto the unit of the data in the named Data Column.
- The ID attribute sets the name of the new column that will be added to the datalayer, containing the converted value.
- The To Unit attribute is set from the pull-down list of optionsto the unit of the data that will be output to the new column.