The Wait Panel
Logi applications interact with the web server, generally, in a serial or synchronous manner: one operation has to complete before the next one begins. In cases where operations may be time consuming, developers can include the Wait Panel element, which displays a transparent, modal, "please wait" overlay on the current page.
- About the Wait Panel Element
- Using the Wait Panel
About the Wait Panel Element
The Wait Panel element is associated with the start of an action and displays a modal panel, with animated image, until action processing is complete. The Wait Panel element can be added as a child of a number of elements, including:
- Action.Link
- Action.Process
- Action.Refresh Element
- Action.Run Bookmark
- Analysis Chart
- Analysis Grid
- Chart Grid
- Dimension Grid
- General
- Target.CSV
- Target.Export Word Or Excel
- Target.Google Spreadsheet
- Target.Native Excel
- Target.Native Word
- Target.PDF
- Target.Report
- Target.Template
- Target.XML
You can see, from the list, that it covers a variety of potentially time-consuming operations. What happens is that, when the parent Action occurs, the current web page is overlaid with a transparent, modal page, with an animated "please wait" icon, which remains in place until it's replaced by whatever page follows it.
The Wait Panel is not available for use in
SubReports with a SubReport Mode attribute setting of
Logi Info comeswith a standard HTML "wait" page which is
called by the Wait Panel element. This file and its supporting files are
located in your application's rdTemplate folder.
Global Wait Panel
The Wait Panel element is a child of the _Settings definition's General element and is automatically added to all new applications. When present in the _Settings definition, it's global in effect and causes a Wait Panel to be enabled anywhere one can be used, providing a default for the entire application. The Wait Panel element attribute values become the defaults for the entire application.
If a "local"Wait Panel element exists in a report definition, the attributes of that element will be used when displaying a Wait Panel. However, any empty local element attribute values, such as Caption, Class, or Caption Class, will default to the values set in the global Wait Panel element in _Settings.
For all Wait Panel elements (except in the scenario in the previous paragraph):
- If there is no specific Caption attribute value specified, the value defaults to "Please Wait...".
- If there is no specific Class value specified, the valuedefaults to "rdThemeWaitPanel".
- If there is no specific Caption Class value specified, the valuedefaults to "rdThemeWaitCaption".
Using the Wait Panel
The Wait Panel element displays a transparent, modal page over the current page and includes an animated icon, as shown below:
To implement it, the Wait Panel element is added beneath one of its parent elements:
As shown above, all of its attributes are optional, and you do not need to
configure them to display the page shown earlier.
However, you can enter a customized message in the Caption attribute or apply style classes to the caption or the display in general using the Caption Class and Class attributes.
The Caption attribute
does not support formatting, formulae, or multiple lines, but will
evaluate tokens.
Once displayed, the page remains visible until the browser receives another page from the server to replace it, or the user otherwise navigates to another page.