Attaching a Logi Info Definition
Your Support Engineer may ask you to attach a Logi Info Report or Process definition file to your case. The .lgx file can be attached using the same technique described earlier. Here are some things to consider before doing so:
- "Sanitize" the attributes - If your firm is sensitive to such issues, you may wish to remove or alter database login or other credentials in the definition that belong to your customers. Generally, our legal support plan contract with you ensures that we'll handle all materials shared in this way confidentially.
- "Shrink" the definition - If a definition is long and complex, to make diagnosis easier, make a copy of it, and in the copy remove elements that have no bearing on the issue from it. For example, remove page sections (header, footer, etc.) that work fine and aren't related to or dependent upon the issue. Remove explanatory or "change log" comments. Remove features like Export elements if they're working correctly. Once you've trimmed down the (copied) definition, run it again to make sure the problem still exists. Then attach it to the case.
- Include dependencies - If Shared Elements, the _Settings definition, or a Master Report are necessary to run the report, be sure to include them, too.
The more you can focus in on the elements that matter, the easier it will be for a Support Engineer to help you.