The Analysis Grid only offers certain format masks for certain data types from the Analysis Grid Table Column Header menus as shown in the following devnet article section:
This affects web presentation, but especially should be considered for Excel export from the analysis grid table, as the format mask is applied to the export data. For instance a numeric value may have many decimal places, but a format mask of ###,###,##0.00 will only export the first 2 decimal places to Excel and this affects rounding.
These format masks are stored in the rdTemplate/rdAnalysisGrid/rdAg10Template.lgx template file for the analysis grid, so the change will have to be added via a Template Modifier File specified on the Analysis Grid element.
The following example will add a new format mask, $###,###,##0.000, directly after the ppo_AddDollarSign PopupOption element which contains the $###,###,##0.00 format mask. Add the following block between the <TemplateModifier> tags in your Template Modifier File in the _SupportFiles directory.
<InsertAfterElement ID="ppo_AddDollarSign">
<PopupOption Caption="$###,###,##0.000" ID="ppo_AddDollarSign2">
<Action ID="actAddDollarSign2" Type="Report">
<Target ID="tgtAddDollarSign2" KeepScrollPosition="True" Type="Report" />
<LinkParams rdAgColumnID="@Data.ID~" rdAgCommand="FormatAdd" rdAgCommandID="@Function.GUID~" rdAgFormat="$###,###,##0.000" />
This should add an extra decimal place that is retained for Excel export.
Further Reading
Template Modifier Files in Logi Info: