VISUI Logi Info Ninja

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VISUI can make Logi Info do things that even Logi Info didn't think it could :-) John Sweazen

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  • VISUI commented,

    You cannot share with yourself. So if you are logged in with your username, your username is automatically filtered from the sharing list

  • VISUI commented,

    The sharing list is configured in the goCustomizations.goBookmarkSharingUserList definition sharedDataLayer shared element.My guess is that you will need a Connection.LDAP in your _Settings.lgx and...

  • VISUI commented,

    I typically don't use the Action.Process element, but instead grab the respective javascript to submit a process or use ajax to submit the process asynchronously without leaving the current page.In...

  • VISUI commented,

    And finally adding an "invalid" css class to inputs that contain nonnumeric values. function validateCheckNumber(e) { if ($.isNumeric($('#'+e).val())) { $('#'+e).removeClass('invalid'); } ...

  • VISUI commented,

    Actually with the final method you don't even need to iterate over each element.  you can just apply it globally to that css class or other selector:   function validateCheckNumber(e) {    console....

  • VISUI commented,

    The easiest way to pass the id of an input into a function is to use jQuery. validateCheckNumber($(this).attr('id')); This will pass the id of the input calling the function function validateCheckN...

  • VISUI commented,

    It has been awhile since I have used NT Auth. The other things that can affect security are Roles and Rights (which I believe NTAuth transposes the user’s Windows Security Groups and the actual fil...

  • VISUI commented,

    The most important configuration in order to use NT Authentication actually occurs in IIS Manager. Each application to use NT Authentication must be configured to disable Anonymous Authentication...

  • VISUI commented,

    Neil,  Great work.  Your post triggered my memory and you are absolutely correct.  Thanks for the detailed response.John Sweazen - VISUI

  • VISUI commented,

    Hey David, I'm not sure if anything has changed recently, but I was previously able to receive emails sent out from Logi Info that utilized basic HTML styling.Here is a sample "Email Body" I used w...