Comparing Local Data when one of them is empty
I have 2 Local Data sources that i need to compare at the group level and present a message when they do OR do not match. Once in a while, one of the Local Data Sources return no records, in which case the condition sputters. How do i account for no records found and therefore no comparison?
An "if data error" branch will only be processed if your datalayer returns an errorcode.
You can build similar functionality with a Union element, by conditioning it based on the length of a sequence column used in the parent datalayer. You can then return a specific value and test for that within your condition.<LocalData>
<DataLayer Type="Static">
<SequenceColumn ID="seqid" />
<Join IncludeCondition="len("@Data.seqid~") == 0" ID="Union" JoinType="Union">
<DataLayer Type="Static">
<StaticDataRow OrderID="99999" />
</LocalData>0 -
In the above example, a static datalayer without a static data row will return no data. The seqid sequence column will not process (because there is no row of data to process it against). So the len() of the seqid is zero if no data is returned.
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