Encrypting Connection Settings
Good Day
I am wanting to encrypt the SQL Connection Settings and I know that they can be placed in the Web.Config file and then encrypted using aspnet_regiis.exe
What I cannot find is how to read the connection string from the web config file and use them in a connection element. I understand it is through a plug in but have no idea how to achieve that.
Any assistance or pointers will be most welcome.
Have you considered leaving your connection strings in the _Settings.lgx and using Logi's Obfuscate.exe mechanism (https://devnet.logianalytics.com/hc/en-us/articles/4419707928855-Obfuscating-Definitions)? This is what we're doing as part of our Octopus (3rd party deploy tool) processing before we ship to production using the command line option.
If your application/environment requires that you use a .NET Plug-in, Logi has a sample for pulling connection strings from external files here - https://devnet.logianalytics.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047151234-Connection-String-From-External-File. There is also a generically-labeled Sample Application for .NET Plug-in here - https://devnet.logianalytics.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049593494-Plugin-Net-Sample-Application; not sure if that one has what you need, too/either.
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