Validating Input
When it comes to validating data entered by users, we highly recommend it! It takes some additional development work up front, but can save so many heartaches (and time) later. Validating data is one of the most important tasks associated with processing user input. The browser environment presents some validation challenges and there are generally three opportunities to do validation. The first is related to events and occurs when the focus changes from one Input element to another element or when the Input element contents change. Validation in this case is accomplished using Event Handlers. The second opportunity occurs when the page is submitted. If the validation fails, then the submission is aborted. Logi Studio provides a variety of Validation elements for this purpose. This topic concerns itself with these first two validation opportunities but there is a third: it occurs in the next Report page or Process task, after submission has completed. That falls outside the scope of this topic but is highly encouraged, especially if you're updating a database. The Action.Pre-Action Javascript element, a child of many Action elements, can be used to validate input and control whether its parent Action element executes. For more information, see Scripting.