Populating Input Element Collections
Input Select List and Input Radio Buttons elements differ from the other UI elements in that they require a datalayer to provide their selection items. The use of a datalayer allows some interesting flexibility in presenting the data. Here are several examples of this in action:

If the selection items are never going to change, then they can be "hard coded" into the definition using DataLayer.Static and child Static Data Row elements, as shown above.

It may make sense to place the selection items in an XML file, which has the advantage of being able to be edited outside of your Logi application. In the example shown above, a DataLayer.XML File element is used to provide the selection list items,
<Option Color="Red"/>
<Option Color="Green"/>
<Option Color="Blue"/>
<Option Color="White"/>
<Option Color="Black"/>
and an example of the supporting XML data file is shown above.

In the next example, above, a Sort Filter has been added to the datalayer, causing the list items to be sorted alphabetically.