Data Entry in Popup Panels
One common use of pop-up panels is to provide a data entry form for Data Tables, like this:
Typically, you'd use a Process task to update the data when the Save button is clicked. You'd expect that the user input values would be passed to the task as Request variables, as usual.
However, it's important to realize that the @Request token IDs will automatically have a row designator ("_Row1") appended to them, because the Input controls are within a Data Table row. This presents a complication: how will the task "know" which row these values refer to and therefore which tokens to use? For example,
@Request.inpPropertyNo_Row1~, or @Request.inpPropertyNo_Row2~, or ?
The recommended technique for handling this is to use Input Hidden elements, one for each user input element in the pop-up panel, placed outside the Data Table. When the Save button is clicked, an onMouseDown Event Handler is used with Action.JavaScript to call code that assigns the values from the pop-up panel's Input elements to the Input Hidden elements. An additional Action.Process element under the Save button then calls the Process task, which uses the @Request tokens for the Input Hidden elements to update the data.
You can see this in action and view sample definitions in the Samples page on DevNet.