Creating and Applying Styles
Logi JReport style is one of the most important concepts in both Logi JReport Designer and Logi JReport Server. A style in Logi JReport is a set of object attributes that you can assign to components in your report to alter their appearances and characteristics. When you apply a style, you apply a whole group of property entries at once. For example, you may want to format the headings of a report to make them stand out. Instead of formatting them one by one as 12pt, Arial, and center-aligned with a blue background, you can achieve the same goal in one step by applying a predefined style that contains the style properties you want. When you publish reports from Logi JReport Designer you also have the option to publish the style files to Logi JReport Server.
Logi JReport supports two kinds of styles, XSD style and CSS style. Since CSS is a recognized standard it is recommended you use CSS rather than XSD.
The following topics provide more information on styles: