Appendix 3: Parameters of User Defined Web Actions
Except for Filter, Sort, Parameter, Property, and SendMessage, all the other web actions do not have a web action builder. You can apply these web actions directly or with some parameter values. This topic introduces the usage of these web actions and the parameters each web action requires.
Web Action | Parameter | Description |
user_atuoRefreshALLDataSet | Refreshes the report data automatically at certain interval. | |
time | Specifies the interval at which Logi Report will automatically refresh the report data. | |
user_bottomN | Shows records with the field value equal to one of the last N field values in a component. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
columnMappingName | Specifies the DBField name based on query.
Value Format: MappingName | |
value | Specifies the value for N, which is a positive integer. | |
user_changeComboChartType | Changes combo chart type. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the chart. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
isPrimaryAxis | Specifies whether the axis displaying the type is the primary axis or not. | |
index | Specifies the index of the type, which is an integer equal to or larger than 0 and equal to or less than the value after the total number of all chart types minus 1. | |
type | Specifies the chart type to change the original type to. You can choose among these 2-D types: bar/bench, line, area, and stock. Valid values should use the chart type names listed right after the sample images in Chart Types. | |
user_changeCompProperty | Changes a specific property of a component. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
propertyName | Specifies the property name. | |
value | Specifies the property value. | |
isBy | Specifies whether the property value is a formula or real value. | |
user_changeGenericChartType | Changes single chart type. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the chart. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
isPrimaryAxis | Specifies whether the axis displaying the type is the primary axis or not. | |
type | Specifies the chart type to change the original type to. Valid values should use the chart type names listed right after the sample images in Chart Types. | |
user_changeStyleTo | Changes the report style. | |
styleName | Specifies the name of a CSS or XSD style, for example, CSS style name: Classic, XSD style name: Classic*. | |
user_chartToCrosstab | Shows the To Crosstab dialog for converting a chart to a crosstab. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the chart. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
user_closeReportSet | Closes the report. | |
user_closeRpt | Closes the report tab. | |
user_crosstabToChart | Shows the To Chart dialog for converting a crosstab to a chart. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the crosstab. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
user_deleteRpt | Deletes the report. | |
user_downloadReport | Downloads report result in the specified format. Its usage is similar to user_oneStepExport. | |
type | Represents the format: 0 for HTML, 2 for PDF, 3 for Postscript, 4 for RTF, 5 for TEXT, 6 for Excel, and 7 for XML. | |
optionValues | Specifies the downloading options.
Value Format: ['Export_Option_Key=Value','Export_Option_Key=Value',...] | |
user_drillTo | Drills to a specific dimension on a component. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
columnBLName | Specifies the qualified name of the group based on business view.
Value Format: BusinessViewTreeRootNode.ParentNode.ViewElementName (There can be no parent node or 1 or more levels of parent nodes.) | |
user_exit | Closes the report. | |
user_filter | Filters the data in a component on a field. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
columnMappingName | Specifies the DBField name based on query.
Value Format: MappingName | |
operator | Specifies the operator for the filter criterion.
=: "eq" | |
value | Specifies the operand. | |
logic | Specifies the logic relationship between two neighboring filter criterions. The logic can be "AND" or "OR". | |
valueFormat | Specifies the format for the value. Usually this parameter is specified only for fields of Date/Time type. If it is not specified, the default format for the value will be accepted.
Data type: String | |
user_firstPage | Turns to the first page. | |
user_groupFlex | Expands or collapses a specific group. | |
groupControlObj | Specifies the group to be expanded or collapsed.
Data type: HTML object. You can use "this" to represent the current group. | |
user_lastPage | Turns to the last page. | |
user_nextPage | Turns to the Next Topic. | |
user_oneStepExport | Exports report result to a specified format. | |
type | Represents the format: 0 for HTML, 2 for PDF, 3 for Postscript, 4 for RTF, 5 for TEXT, 6 for Excel, and 7 for XML. | |
optionValues | Specifies the export options and their values.
Value Format: ['Export_Option_Key=Value','Export_Option_Key=Value',...] | |
user_oneStepFilter | Filters the data in a component on multiple fields. | |
columnMappingNames | Specifies the DBField names based on query.
Value Format: [MappingName1,MappingName2,MappingName3,...] | |
operators | Specifies the operators for the filter criteria. Available values are the same as those for operator of user_filter. | |
values | Specifies the operands. | |
logics | Specifies the logic relationships between two neighboring filter criterions. The logic can be "AND" or "OR". | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
user_oneStepSearch | Locates a string in the report. | |
value | Specifies the string to find. | |
isContent | Specifies whether to search the whole report content or a specified field. | |
columnMappingName | Specifies the DBField name based on query.
Value Format: MappingName | |
isUp | Specifies whether or not to search from the bottom to the top. | |
isMatchCase | Specifies whether or not to match case when searching. | |
isWordOnly | Specifies whether or not to match whole word. | |
user_oneStepSort | Sorts the data in a component on multiple fields. | |
columnMappingNames | Specifies the DBField names based on query.
Value Format: [MappingName1,MappingName2,MappingName3,...] | |
orders | Specifies the sorting orders.
Value Format: [true,false,false,...] (true for ascending, false for descending). | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
user_openNewReport | Opens a report. | |
catalog | Specifies the catalog of the report. You should use the catalog file path in the server resource tree. /USERFOLDERFATH/admin/ stands for the My Reports folder, and / stands for the Public Reports folder. | |
rptName | Specifies the report name. You should use the report file path in the server resource tree. /USERFOLDERFATH/admin/ stands for the My Reports folder, and / stands for the Public Reports folder. | |
newWindow | Specifies whether or not to open a new browser window for the report. | |
params | Specifies parameter names and values for opening the report.
Value Format: [[[name1],[value1]],[[name2],[value2]],...] | |
user_prevPage | Turns to the Previous Topic. | |
user_popCustomizedPage() | Pops up the Customized Page dialog, which by default displays all the parameters used in the current report if it contains parameters. | |
user_redo | Redoes an action. | |
user_refresh | Refreshes the report. | |
user_removeFilter | Removes the filters on the specified field or all the fields in a component. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
columnMappingName | Specifies the DBField name based on query. If specified, the filters on this field in the component will be removed; if not specified, filters on all the fields of the component will be removed.
Value Format: MappingName | |
user_renameRpt | Shows the Rename Report dialog. | |
user_reset | Resets the report. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
user_rotateCrosstab | Rotates a crosstab. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the crosstab. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
user_saveRpt | Saves the report. | |
user_showDHTMLView | Shows the Resource View panel. | |
user_showFilterDialog | Shows the Filter dialog. | |
user_showHelp | Shows the help about a specific dialog or shows the index page of the Page Report Studio help documentation if null. | |
helpId | Specifies the ID of the specific Page Report Studio dialog help document, which is a five-digit integer starting with 4, for example 40034. You can refer to the file Hyperlink.txt in the Logi Report Designer installation root to check for the help files that are linked with IDs starting with 4. | |
user_showNewRptDialog | Shows the New Report dialog. | |
user_showOpenRptDialog | Shows the Open Report dialog. | |
user_showPageSetupDialog | Shows the Page Properties dialog. | |
user_showPrintDialog | Shows the Printable Version dialog. | |
user_showSaveAsDialog | Shows the Save As dialog. | |
user_showSaveResultDialog | Shows the Export dialog. | |
user_showSearchDialog | Shows the Search dialog. | |
user_showSortDialog | Shows the Sort dialog. | |
user_showTOC | Shows the TOC Browser. | |
user_showToolbox | Shows the Toolbox. | |
user_showUserPanel | Shows the User Information bar. | |
user_sort | Sorts the data in a component on a specific field. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
columnMappingName | Specifies the DBField name based on query.
Value Format: MappingName | |
order | Specifies the sorting order: true for ascending and false for descending. | |
user_stopAutoRefreshDataSet | Stops Logi Report from refreshing the report data automatically. | |
user_topN | Shows records with the field value equal to one of the top N field values in a component. | |
instanceName | Specifies the instance name of the component. Since instance name is hidden from users, the display name can be used as the value here. However, the value should follow certain format.
Value Format: &DisplayName | |
columnMappingName | Specifies the DBField name based on query.
Value Format: MappingName | |
value | Specifies the value for N, which is a positive integer. | |
user_undo | Undoes an action. | |
user_zoomTo | Zooms the report in or out to a specific magnification. | |
zoomSize | The magnification ratio in percent. It should be an integer between 0 and 400. |
Note: If you are very familiar with usages of the web actions, you can select the first item Input an Action, and then specify the action name with parameter.
Component Property Names
You can refer to the following table when you specify the value of the parameter propertyName which is applied in the web action user_changeCompProperty. Note that the property names here can be recognized by classes and are different from the names provided in the Report Inspector, which are display names of component properties. However, you can figure out the corresponding display names according to the property names.
For details about the descriptions of the properties and their values, see Report Object Properties where display names are used.
Component | Property Name |
Arc Shape | [TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, BottomAttachPosX, BottomAttachPosY]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation]|[StartAngle, ArcAngle, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Area | [Name, Alt, DetailReport, Link, FillColor]|[Type, Coordinates]|[BoundaryWidth, BoundaryColor, BoundaryStyle]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalAccessKey, HrefLang, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle]|[UseDefault] |
Area DB Text | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, Format, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[Invisible, DataMappingFile, DisplayNull, ColumnName, CacheValue, AutoConnector]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang]|[UseDefault] |
Area Text | [Text, FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[Invisible, AutoConnector]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang]|[UseDefault] |
Banded Column Infos | [Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Pattern, ShowColumns, ColumnWidths]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor, ShowBorder]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, Lang] |
Banded Footer | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Label, OnNewPage, Underlay, CanCrossPage, SuppressBlankSection, FillWholePage, ShowBottomLine, ToBottom]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, Lang] |
Banded Header | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, MergeToNextPanel, Label, OnNewPage, Underlay, CanCrossPage, SuppressBlankSection, FillWholePage, ShowBottomLine]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, Lang] |
Banded Object | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Cache, SuppressEmpty]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor, BorderJoint, RoundJointRadius]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, Lang] |
Banded Page Footer | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Underlay, SuppressBlankSection, ShowBottomLine, SuppressInLastPage]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Banded Page Header | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, MergeToNextPanel, RepeatInDetailPanel, RemoveBlankRow, Label, Underlay, SuppressBlankSection, ShowBottomLine]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, Lang] |
Banded Page Panel | [PageType, Orientation, Width, Height]|[TopMargin, LeftMargin, BottomMargin, RightMargin] |
Box | [TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, BottomAttachPosX, BottomAttachPosY]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToXLS]|[TopAttachCol, TopAttachRow, BottomAttachCol, BottomAttachRow]|[BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Chart Label Object | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Style, class]|[ExternalCSSClassValue]|[Text, LabelTextFontName, LabelTextFontSize, LabelTextFontStyle, LabelTextRotation, LabelTextShearing, LabelTextUnderline, LabelTextStrikethrough, LabelTextSpecialEffect1, LabelTextSpecialEffect2, LabelTextWordWrap, LabelTextPenStyle, LabelTextPenColor, LabelTextPenTransparency, LabelTextPenThickness, LabelTextPenEndCaps, LabelTextPenLineJoint, LabelTextPenOutlined, LabelTextPenVariabledDash, LabelTextPatternType, LabelTextPatternTransparency, LabelTextPatternColor, LabelTextPatternTextureStyle, LabelTextPatternTextureForeColor, LabelTextPatternTextureBackColor, LabelTextPatternGradientStyle, LabelTextPatternGradientStartColor, LabelTextPatternGradientEndColor, LabelTextPatternGradientStartX, LabelTextPatternGradientStartY, LabelTextPatternGradientEndX, LabelTextPatternGradientEndY, TextAlignment, TopMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin]|[LabelBackgroundBorderStyle, LabelBackgroundBorderPenStyle, LabelBackgroundBorderPenColor, LabelBackgroundBorderPenTransparency, LabelBackgroundBorderPenThickness, LabelBackgroundBorderPenEndCaps, LabelBackgroundBorderPenLineJoint, LabelBackgroundBorderPenOutlined, LabelBackgroundBorderPenVariabledDash, LabelBackgroundFillPatternType, LabelBackgroundFillPatternTransparency, LabelBackgroundFillPatternColor, LabelBackgroundFillPatternTextureStyle, LabelBackgroundFillPatternTextureForeColor, LabelBackgroundFillPatternTextureBackColor, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientStyle, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartColor, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndColor, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartX, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartY, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndX, LabelBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndY, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageFile, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageLayout, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageX, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageY, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageWidth, LabelBackgroundFillPatternImageHeight, LabelBackgroundTop, LabelBackgroundLeft, LabelBackgroundRight, LabelBackgroundBottom]|[IconStyle, IconWidth, IconHeight, IconAlignment, IconBorderPenStyle, IconBorderPenColor, IconBorderPenTransparency, IconBorderPenThickness, IconBorderPenEndCaps, IconBorderPenLineJoint, IconBorderPenOutlined, IconBorderPenVariabledDash, IconFillPatternType, IconFillPatternTransparency, IconFillPatternColor, IconFillPatternTextureStyle, IconFillPatternTextureForeColor, IconFillPatternTextureBackColor, IconFillPatternGradientStyle, IconFillPatternGradientStartColor, IconFillPatternGradientEndColor, IconFillPatternGradientStartX, IconFillPatternGradientStartY, IconFillPatternGradientEndX, IconFillPatternGradientEndY, IconFillPatternImageFile, IconFillPatternImageLayout, IconFillPatternImageX, IconFillPatternImageY, IconFillPatternImageWidth, IconFillPatternImageHeight, IconTextGap] |
Chart Legend Object | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Style, class]|[ExternalCSSClassValue]|[AutoSize, Placement, SubPlacement, LabelFilterSource, LegendFilter, LabelVSpacing, LabelHSpacing, TopMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin, ShowTips]|[LegendBackgroundBorderStyle, LegendBackgroundBorderPenStyle, LegendBackgroundBorderPenColor, LegendBackgroundBorderPenTransparency, LegendBackgroundBorderPenThickness, LegendBackgroundBorderPenEndCaps, LegendBackgroundBorderPenLineJoint, LegendBackgroundBorderPenOutlined, LegendBackgroundBorderPenVariabledDash, LegendBackgroundFillPatternType, LegendBackgroundFillPatternTransparency, LegendBackgroundFillPatternColor, LegendBackgroundFillPatternTextureStyle, LegendBackgroundFillPatternTextureForeColor, LegendBackgroundFillPatternTextureBackColor, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientStyle, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartColor, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndColor, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartX, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartY, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndX, LegendBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndY, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageFile, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageLayout, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageX, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageY, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageWidth, LegendBackgroundFillPatternImageHeight, LegendBackgroundTop, LegendBackgroundLeft, LegendBackgroundRight, LegendBackgroundBottom]|[ReverseLabels, LabelTextFontName, LabelTextFontSize, LabelTextFontStyle, LabelTextRotation, LabelTextShearing, LabelTextUnderline, LabelTextStrikethrough, LabelTextSpecialEffect1, LabelTextSpecialEffect2, LabelTextWordWrap, LabelTextPenStyle, LabelTextPenColor, LabelTextPenTransparency, LabelTextPenThickness, LabelTextPenEndCaps, LabelTextPenLineJoint, LabelTextPenOutlined, LabelTextPenVariabledDash, LabelTextPatternType, LabelTextPatternTransparency, LabelTextPatternColor, LabelTextPatternTextureStyle, LabelTextPatternTextureForeColor, LabelTextPatternTextureBackColor, LabelTextPatternGradientStyle, LabelTextPatternGradientStartColor, LabelTextPatternGradientEndColor, LabelTextPatternGradientStartX, LabelTextPatternGradientStartY, LabelTextPatternGradientEndX, LabelTextPatternGradientEndY, ShowValues, ValueFormat, ShowPercent, PercentFormat]|[IconWidth, IconHeight, IconAlignment, IconBorderPenStyle, IconBorderPenColor, IconBorderPenTransparency, IconBorderPenThickness, IconBorderPenEndCaps, IconBorderPenLineJoint, IconBorderPenOutlined, IconBorderPenVariabledDash, IconTextGap, MarkNodeUsage] |
Chart Object | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Cache, Alt, LogicColumn]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex, ColumnNumber, RowNumber]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ShowLegend, AntiAliasing, PatternList]|[PlatformBackgroundBorderStyle, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenStyle, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenColor, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenTransparency, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenThickness, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenEndCaps, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenLineJoint, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenOutlined, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenLineJointRadius, PlatformBackgroundBorderPenVariabledDash, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternType, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternTransparency, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternColor, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternTextureStyle, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternTextureForeColor, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternTextureBackColor, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientStyle, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartColor, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndColor, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartX, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientStartY, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndX, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternGradientEndY, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageFile, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageLayout, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageX, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageY, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageWidth, PlatformBackgroundFillPatternImageHeight, PlatformBackgroundTop, PlatformBackgroundLeft, PlatformBackgroundRight, PlatformBackgroundBottom]|[SortCategory, SortSeries, ReverseCategory, ReverseSeries, CategoryStartOffset, CategoryEndOffset, SeriesStartOffset, SeriesEndOffset, CategoryFilter, SeriesFilter, PrimaryDataFilter, SecondaryDataFilter, HintFilter, GotoDetail, HyperLink, XHyperLink, ZHyperLink, GroupValueFormat, SeriesValueEncoding, SwapGroup, HyperLinkTarget, XHyperLinkTarget, ZHyperLinkTarget, HintPercentFilter]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, LongDesc, ExternalTitle, ExternalID] |
Chart Paper Object | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue] |
Column Attribute | [ResourceName, DisplayName, Sort, Filter, Drill, Search] |
Column | [Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS]|[ShowBorder]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
CT Aggregate Field | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, Format, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[ExportToDHTML, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, DataMappingFile, SuppressedIfNull, DisplayNull, ColumnName, ValueDelimiter, CacheValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang, Abbr, Axis, Headers, Scope] |
CT Aggregate Special Field | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, Format, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[ExportToDHTML, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, DataMappingFile, SuppressedIfNull, DisplayNull, ColumnName, ValueDelimiter, CacheValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang, Abbr, Axis, Headers, Scope] |
CT Crosstab | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[EnableAlternativeLineColor, AlternativeLineColorDirection, AlternativeLineColorPatternList]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, currentRowBlockIndex, currentColBlockIndex, itemsPerRowBlock, itemsPerColBlock, Cache, SuppressEmpty, CDNUsed, CDNHeight, CDNWidth]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderColor, Hasborder]|[HorizontalGap, VerticalGap, VerticalLayout, BoundaryValue, RowTotalOnTop, ColumnTotalOnLeft, RepeatRowHeader, AvoidOrphanHeader, BlockGap, SuppressRowHeader, SuppressColumnHeader, isTableStyle, repeatAgg, canExpandData, isOutSideAggTitle]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, Summary] |
CT DBField | [Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, Format, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[ExportToDHTML, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, DataMappingFile, SuppressedIfNull, DisplayNull, ColumnName, ValueDelimiter, CacheValue, Orderby, isExpandData, ExpandData]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang, Abbr, Axis, Headers, Scope] |
CT DB Title Field | [Text, FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, Sortable, Filterable, BindColumn, SuppressAggreate]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang, Abbr, Axis, Headers, Scope] |
CT Label Field | [Text, FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, Sortable, Filterable, BindColumn]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang, Abbr, Axis, Headers, Scope] |
CT Text Field | [Text, FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, Sortable, Filterable, BindColumn, SuppressAggreate]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang, Abbr, Axis, Headers, Scope] |
DBField | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, Format, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, DetailReport, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, DataMappingFile, SuppressedIfNull, DisplayNull, ColumnName, ValueDelimiter, CacheValue]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang] |
Detail Panel | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, RemoveBlankRow, Label, OnNewPage, Underlay, CanCrossPage, SuppressBlankSection, FillWholePage, ShowBottomLine, TileDetailSection, TileHorizontal, CacheSection, currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Extends Dataset | [MaxRecords]|[SecurityName]|[RecordsPerPage, MaxPageNumber]|[dsName, queryName] |
Filter Control | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, class, id]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderColor, BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine]|[IsShowTitle, TitleText, TitleBold, TitleItalic, TitleFontFace, TitleFontSize, TitleForeground, TitleUnderline, TitleBackground, TitleMapName, TitleHorizontalAlignment]|[Bold, Italic, FontFace, FontSize, Underline, Format]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Form | [Style, class]|[LogicColumn]|[FormName, FormId, FormAction, Disabled, FormMethod, FormTarget]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
GMarker | [ExportToDHTML, ExportToXLS, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords] |
Google Map | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, ExportToXLS]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Group Control Image | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed]|[ID, Name, Disabled, Title, TabIndex, Class, Dir, Size, Value, Checked, Accesskey, Alt, Src]|[onfocus, onblur, onchange, onselect, ondblselect, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Group Filter | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Group Footer Panel | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, MergeToNextPanel, Label, OnNewPage, Underlay, CanCrossPage, SuppressBlankSection, FillWholePage, ShowBottomLine]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Group Header Panel | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, MergeToNextPanel, RepeatInDetailPanel, RemoveBlankRow, Label, OnNewPage, Underlay, CanCrossPage, SuppressBlankSection, FillWholePage, ShowBottomLine, Repeat]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Group Panel | [isExpandData, ShrinkFooter, currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock]|[KeepGroupTogether, RepeatWhileGF]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[Grant, Cascade, Groups, Roles] |
HDS Dataset | [MaxRecords]|[SecurityName]|[RecordsPerPage, MaxPageNumber]|[dsName, queryName] |
Image | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Style, class, ID]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToXLS, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, Link, TransferStyle, DetailReport, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment, LogicColumn]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex, ColumnNumber, RowNumber]|[MaxScalingRatio, ScalingMode, Rotation, PictureName, Alt, Name, Value, Disabled, Title, TabIndex]|[onfocus, onblur, onselect, ondblselect, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, HrefLang, LongDesc] |
JHyperLink | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, URL, ExecClassName, autoFit, target, toolTipText, displayValue, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment, wordWrap, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, HtmlStyle]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex, ColumnNumber, RowNumber]|[foreground, background]|[fontFace, fontSize, fontItalic, fontBold]|[displayImage, original, Alt]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalAccessKey, HrefLang] |
JRotator | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Rotate, DisplayValue, DisplayImage, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[FontFace, FontSize, FontItalic, FontBold]|[ExternalCSSClassValue] |
Line | [TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, BottomAttachPosX, BottomAttachPosY]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToXLS]|[TopAttachCol, TopAttachRow, BottomAttachCol, BottomAttachRow]|[LineColor, LineStyle, LineWidth]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Map | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, ExportToXLS, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[Name, ImageSource, AltContentType, ColumnName]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Map Add Text Field | [Text, FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[Invisible]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang] |
Map DBField | [Background, Foreground]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, Format, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[Invisible, DataMappingFile, DisplayNull, ColumnName, CacheValue, AutoConnector]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang] |
Map Text Field | [Text, FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[Background, Foreground]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[Invisible, AutoConnector]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang] |
Modeling Dataset | [MaxRecords]|[SecurityName]|[RecordsPerPage, MaxPageNumber]|[dsName, queryName] |
Multi-Value Container | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class, id]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, ExportToPDF]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, Foreground]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalStyle, ExternalTitle, Lang] |
Navigation Control | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderColor, BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine] |
Button (in Navigation Control) | [AutoFit, Bold, Italic, FontFace, FontSize, Underline, Text, StrikeOut, WordWrap, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment]|[Background, Foreground]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderColor, BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, ShadowColor]|[PatternStyle, PatternColor] |
OLE Object | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[Declare, ClassID, CodeBase, Type, Archive, StandBy, Usemap, Name, TabIndex, Accesskey, Alt, Title, VSpace, HSpace]|[ExternalCSSClassValue] |
On-Demand Dataset | [MaxRecords]|[SecurityName]|[RecordsPerPage, MaxPageNumber]|[dsName, queryName] |
Oval Shape | [TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, BottomAttachPosX, BottomAttachPosY]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToXLS]|[TopAttachCol, TopAttachRow, BottomAttachCol, BottomAttachRow]|[BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Page Footer Panel | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Underlay, SuppressBlankSection, ShowBottomLine, SuppressInLastPage]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Page Header Panel | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Underlay, SuppressBlankSection, ShowBottomLine]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Page Panel | [PageType, Orientation, Width, Height]|[TopMargin, LeftMargin, BottomMargin, RightMargin] |
Parallel Detail Panel | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, RemoveBlankRow, Label, OnNewPage, Underlay, CanCrossPage, SuppressBlankSection, FillWholePage, ShowBottomLine, TileDetailSection, TileHorizontal, CacheSection, currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock, BranchName]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Parallel Group Panel | [isExpandData, ShrinkFooter, currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock, BranchName]|[KeepGroupTogether, RepeatWhileGF]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[Grant, Cascade, Groups, Roles] |
Parameter Field | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, Format, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, DetailReport, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, Parameter, SuppressedIfNull, DisplayNull, DataMappingFile, ValueDelimiter]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, HrefLang] |
Parameter Form | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class, id]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS]|[IsShowTitle, TitleText, TitleBold, TitleItalic, TitleFontFace, TitleFontSize, TitleForeground, TitleUnderline, TitleHorizontalAlignment, TitleBackground]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderColor, BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine]|[PatternStyle, PatternColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
PolyLine | [Invisible]|[LineColor, LineStyle, LineWidth]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Query Dataset | [MaxRecords]|[SecurityName]|[RecordsPerPage, MaxPageNumber]|[dsName, queryName] |
Reference Parameter Field | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, Underline, Format, AutoFit, WordWrap, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Parameter]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Report | [ResultBufferSize]|[InitReportCube]|[PageBackground, BeforeRun, AfterRun, AfterInitParameter, ShowSubHeaderFooter, EmbeddedFonts, StyleGroup, NoTempFile, ImportJavaScript, PrecisionSensitive, PortletReport]|[ExcelBufferSize, RowsPerSheet, ColumnWidthList, FastPass, Columned, SheetName]|[StyleGroupOfDHTML, StyleGroupOfRST, StyleGroupOfHTML, StyleGroupOfExcel, StyleGroupOfPDF, StyleGroupOfText, StyleGroupOfRTF, StyleGroupOfXML, StyleGroupOfPS, StyleGroupOfFax]|[ExportFormat] |
Report Body | [Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, SuppressEmpty]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[TOCAnchor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Report Set | [ImportParamValues, ParaListAuto] |
Round Box Shape | [TopAttachPosX, TopAttachPosY, BottomAttachPosX, BottomAttachPosY]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToXLS]|[TopAttachCol, TopAttachRow, BottomAttachCol, BottomAttachRow]|[CornerFactor, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Slider Control | [FontFace, FontSize, Format, NumberSliderUnitIncrement]|[X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, class, id]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle] |
Special Field | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, Format, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, DetailReport, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FieldType, DisplayNull]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang] |
Subreport | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, SuppressEmpty, Embedded, RecPerPage, MaxPageNum, SRSourceName, SRQueryName, SRSecurity, Cache]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex, OnNewSheet, SheetName, Postfix]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Table Cell | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, JoiningMerge, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, Repeat]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, Abbr, Axis, Headers, Scope] |
Table Column | [Invisible, AutoFit] |
Table Component | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Horizontal, Cache, SuppressEmpty, AutoExpands, CDNUsed, CDNHeight, CDNWidth]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Summary] |
Table Detail | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Label, OnNewPage, FillWholePage, currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue] |
Table Detail Column | [Invisible, AutoFit] |
Table Footer | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Label, OnNewPage, FillWholePage]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Table Group | [isExpandData, currentBlockIndex, itemsPerBlock]|[KeepGroupTogether]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[Grant, Cascade, Groups, Roles] |
Table Group Column | [Invisible, AutoFit] |
Table Group Footer | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Label, OnNewPage, FillWholePage]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang] |
Table Group Header | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Label, OnNewPage, FillWholePage, repeat]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, Lang] |
Table Header | [Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Label, OnNewPage, repeat, RepeatHeaderForExcel, RepeatHeaderForXML, RepeatHeaderForTxt]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, Lang] |
Table Summary Column | [Invisible, AutoFit] |
Tabular | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, VerticalAutoSize, HorizontalAutoSize]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue] |
Tabular Cell | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, repeatContent, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue] |
Tabular Row Group | [FillWholePage, OnNewPage, CanCrossPage] |
Textbox | [X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background]|[Style, class]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, VerticalAlignment, VerticalAutoSize]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, BorderColor]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue] |
Text Field | [Text, FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, DetailReport, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, Sortable, Filterable, BindColumn]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang] |
Title Text | [Text, FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline, AutoFit, MaxWidth, WordWrap, TransWhileToHtml, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalAlignment]|[X, Y, Width, Height]|[Background, Foreground]|[Style, id, class]|[ColumnIndex, RowIndex]|[padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right]|[BorderWidth, TopLine, BottomLine, LeftLine, RightLine, Shadow, BorderColor, ShadowColor]|[PatternColor, PatternStyle]|[position, ExportToDHTML, Invisible, Suppressed, SuppressedIfNoRecords, RecordLocation, ExportToCSV, ExportToXLS, Link, EnableHyperlinkOnPDF, EnableHyperlinkOnExcel, EnableHyperlinkOnHTML, DetailReport, TransferStyle, GotoDetail, DetailTargetFrame, ExportToPDF, FilterOptions, Sortable, Filterable, BindColumn]|[TOCAnchor, AnchorDispValue]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalAccessKey, ExternalDir, ExternalTabIndex, ExternalTitle, LongDesc, HrefLang] |
TOC | [Background, Foreground]|[Style, class]|[FontFace, FontSize, Bold, Italic, StrikeOut, Underline]|[ExternalCSSClassValue, ExternalID, ExternalStyle, Lang, ExternalTitle]|[RootLabel] |
Export Option Keys
You can refer to the following table when specifying the value of the parameter optionValues which is applied in the web actions user_oneStepExport and user_downloadReport. Note that the option keys here can be recognized by classes and are different from the option names provided in the Page Report Studio UI which are display names of the export options.
Export Type | Export Option Key | Available Value | Description |
HTML | to_ver | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. |
to_open | true, false | Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. | |
to_local | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. | |
browser | 0 - Internet Explorer 2 - Firefox | Specifies the web browser type. | |
imagetype | 0 - Decided by Logi Report 1 - GIF 2 - JPG 3 - PNG | Specifies the type of the images in the result file. | |
overflow | 0 - VISIBLE 1 - HIDDEN), 2 - VERFLOWCOUNT | Specifies the overflow type. | |
resolution | Any integer between 1 and 4294967296. | Specifies the HTML resolution. | |
title | Any string | Specifies the title for the HTML file. | |
css | true, false | Specifies whether or not to embed the cascading style sheet in the exported HTML files. | |
multi | true, false | Specifies whether or not to generate an HTML file for each page of the report result. | |
hyperlink | true, false | Specifies whether or not to contain hyperlinks in the HTML file. | |
pagenumber | true, false | Specifies whether or not to contain page numbers in the HTML file. | |
drilldown | true, false | Specifies whether or not to include the drilled-down file in the exported HTML file. | |
no_margin | true, false | Specifies whether or not to remove the original margins. | |
absolute | true, false | Specifies whether or not to make the font size fixed in the web browser. | |
to_ver | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. | |
to_open | true, false | Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. | |
to_local | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. | |
no_margin | true, false | Specifies whether or not to remove the margin. | |
simulate | true, false | Specifies whether or not the mode is to be Simulated Printing Mode. | |
standard | true, false | Specifies whether or not to set the mode as Standard Mode. | |
content | true, false | Specifies whether or not to contain the TOC in the exported PDF file. | |
drilldown | true, false | Specifies whether or not to include the drilled-down file in the exported PDF file. | |
encrypt | true, false | Specifies whether or not to encrypt the report result. | |
compress | true, false | Specifies whether or not to compress the images in the report. | |
ratio | Any integer between 1 to 100. | Specifies the percentage with which to compress the images in the report. | |
compatibitly | 0 - Acrobat 3.0 and later 1 - Acrobat 5.0 and later | Specifies the encryption compatibility. | |
doc_psw | Any string | Specifies the password for opening the PDF file when encrypt=true. | |
permi_psw | Any string | Specifies the password for printing and editing the PDF file when encrypt=true. | |
printing | 0 - Prevents users from printing the file. 4 - Allows low resolution-printing. 2052 - Allows high-resolution printing. | Specifies the PDF printing mode. | |
changes | 0 - Prevents users from making any changes to the file). 1024 - Allows inserting, deleting, and rotating pages. 256 - Allows users to fill in form fields and adding digital signatures. 32 - Aallows users to fill in form fields and add digital signatures and comments. 40 - Allows users to do anything except extracting pages. 2108 - Allows all. | Defines which editing actions are allowed in the PDF file. | |
enable_copy | true, false | Specifies whether or not to allow users to copy the file contents. | |
enable_access | true, false | Specifies whether or not to let visually impaired users read the document with window readers. | |
Text | to_ver | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. |
to_open | true, false | Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. | |
to_local | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. | |
repeat | true, false | Specifies whether or not to replace a field value of a record with that of its previous record if the field value is null. | |
compress | true, false | Specifies whether or not to compress the clearance between columns. | |
win_linebreak | true, false | Specifies whether or not to use Windows end-of-line characters. | |
normal | true, false | Specifies whether or not to use the standard data format. | |
quote_mark | true, false | Specifies whether or not to mark the fields in the exported file with quotation marks. | |
head_foot | true, false | Specifies whether or not to contain all headers and footers in the report. | |
delimiter | Any single character | Specifies the delimiter. | |
width | An integer | Specifies the user defined character width. | |
height | An integer | Specifies the user defined character height. | |
Excel | to_ver | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. |
to_open | true, false | Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. | |
to_local | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. | |
wrap | 0 - All Keep Existing 1 - All Disabled 2 - All Enabled | Specifies the word-wrap setting. | |
new_layout | true, false | Specifies whether or not to use the new layout mode. | |
shapes | true, false | Specifies whether or not to include the shapes (drawing objects) in the exported file. | |
excel_2000 | true, false | Specifies whether or not to export the result in Data Format, which means only the report data will be exported without format. | |
advanced | true, false | Specifies whether or not to apply the advanced options. | |
header | Any string | Specifies the page header text. | |
footer | Any string | Specifies the page footer text. | |
gridline | true, false | Specifies whether or not to print gridlines when printing the exported Excel file. | |
XML | to_ver | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. |
to_open | true, false | Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. | |
to_local | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. | |
only_data | true, false | Specifies whether or not to only contain the database column information in the exported XML file. | |
schema | An existing schema file with its full path. | Specifies the name of an existing schema file with its full path with which to generate the XML file. | |
RTF | to_ver | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. |
to_open | true, false | Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. | |
to_local | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. | |
rtf_flow | true, false | Specifies whether or not to apply a flow layout when exporting the report to RTF. | |
no_margin | true, false | Specifies whether or not to remove the margins in the RTF file. | |
PostScript | to_ver | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to version. |
to_open | true, false | Specifies whether or not to export and open the result file. | |
to_local | true, false | Specifies whether or not to save the result to a local file. | |
no_margin | true, false | Specifies whether or not to remove the margins in the PS file. |