Johnny Stevens Logi Info Ninja Logi Forum Guru
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Almost 10 years of Logi experience implementing both internal and external use cases. Currently embedding Info in a SaaS application supporting Interventional Radiology departments; running Info 14.2 on IIS/MS SQL back-end. Embedded Self-Service Reporting as a sub-module in our application with a customized curation/library feature. Connect with me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnny-stevens/
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Recent activity by Johnny Stevens-
I ended up going low-tech on this and simply copying the columns and applying the Condition to the columns themselves so that Detail has no background color attribute, and Summary has the backgroun...
Thanks again, VISUI I've got this working and I can also use the Local All/None Token in the ShowMode. For future posterity, the Local Token method will still process the Group Header Row, but won'...
The only workaround I could find for this issue is to add a Local Datalayer with a Calculated Column that sets a value based on the Request.Token/trigger: <LocalData ID="ldIncludeDetail"> <DataLay...
Hey arash horoufi So glad you were able to work this out!! And a huge thank you for following up in the Forum so the post has a resolution... #teamwork! Regards,Johnny
I can't imagine an HTML element would break the Request Tokens being passed to an Action.PDF or Action.Excel. When you remark out the HTML element, does the PDF/Excel work? We really need a static ...
nvm... I answered my own question in testing. I can remove all colspan attributes from the table and simply split the columns that need splitting using Rows/Columns in Logi. Here is a sample showin...
Hi arash horoufi Can you create a sample definition with static data/content and post it here so we can see how you've coded your definition? Thanks,Johnny
Hey Sebastian Verity, I am seeing the same behavior in 14.1 SP2 (with ScriptingLanguage="JavaScript" in my _Settings.lgx) I also tried "2**2" and "Math.pow(2,2)" directly in formulae without succes...
Hey VISUI (cc: Tyler Shedden) I still have the ZIPs of the 2016 and 2019 Kick-Ass apps. Which report are you referencing? I can post it here. Alternatively, if you have a Dropbox or something simil...
OMG, thank you! I had my booster yesterday and I've been a little foggy today. I knew I was overthinking this!!! Thanks again VISUI