Jon Walters

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  • Jon Walters commented,

    thank you both so much for your help with this.  I have integrated both methods.

  • Jon Walters commented,

    Thank you both comments, I now have a working solution so thank you.  I have incorporated both, so I have the JavaScript validation for the validation when trying to save the datatable and then als...

  • Jon Walters commented,

    sorry this is the amended code with the toggle of data types: <ResponsiveRow>            <ResponsiveColumn>                <DataTable                    AjaxPaging="True"                    ID="dt-...

  • Jon Walters commented,

    If I can get the either the elementID or the RowNumber into the JavaScript function I will be able to manipulate this to fire the validation.

  • Jon Walters commented,

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Report ID="Default" > <Body> <IncludeScript ID="jsValidateInput" IncludedScript="function ValidateCheckNumber(id,rowNum) { alert(&apos;RowNumber:&apos; + row...

  • Jon Walters commented,

    I have scaled this down just to attach the code, I have div tags within the answer column depending on the DataType.  I don't want to ensure a value is empty, I just want the ones that require a Nu...

  • Jon Walters commented,

    I can't even seem to get to pass the RowNumber either, please see attached my report.   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Report ID="Default" > <Body> <IncludeScript ID="jsValidateInput" Incl...

  • Jon Walters commented,

    Hi Neil, I only have certain inputs I want to do this for so I want to pass the element ID into the function without actually specifying what the ID as I this is in a DataTable, which is iterating ...

  • Jon Walters created a post,


    I am creating some custom JavaScript validation functions.  I have 130 input elements on screen so want to make this scalable. I have this function where I call it within the JavaScript's function ...

  • Jon Walters created a post,

    Export to Excel Styling

    Is there a way to set styling for exporting Tables/CrossTab tables to Excel? Font size, header row color etc?