Neil Quinby

I've been developing in Logi Info as a contractor / consultant through Format14 Limited since 2008. Developments are generally full Logi Info application that stand alone and deliver point solutions for key business problems and needs. To date I've built over 50 stand-alone applications and well as several embedded reporting platforms and in excess of 1000 reports so feel free to contact me on should you have any questions about Logi Info, I'd be delighted to help.

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  • Neil Quinby commented,

    Glad to help :-)

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    Hi Jon I had a thought about how you might do this and was about to post this when our friends from VISUI posted their answer. I guess these are 2 separate approaches, theirs validates each input a...

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    Hi Jon I had some time to think about this and came up with this as a solution. It doesn't require you to pass the Row number from the table as it finds that itself by counting the rows in the disp...

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    Hi Jon I have a bit of time this afternoon to take a further look at this, can you attach then latest code you allude to in your last comment please. CheersNeil

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    Hi Jon I'm running out of time today to look at this today - let me have a look this evening / tomorrow but I get what you're trying to do. When you hit Save you want each input field validated as ...

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    If you're passing a value from a table for example from a button on a row you can build the elementId in the JavaScript. For example, if you had a table with columns called Question and Answer and ...

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    Hi Jon I'm not quite understanding what you have but would I be right in thinking you want to pass the element ID into the JS e.g. ValidateCheckNumber(element1, element2, element3, etc...) and have...

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    Thanks for the follow-up Scott and I'm glad this helped. Let me know if you have any more questions about security structures within applications and I'll do what I can to help. 

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    Hi ScottThis is the error Logi returns when you have a Security Rights ID specified on a report (or report element) that is not being returned by AuthNT from your Active Directory memberships. Auth...

  • Neil Quinby commented,

    You're welcome. I've only just started to get into this community as I found it rather dead in the past but that's no excuse for not participating is it ;-) Regards Neil