Blake Logi Forum Guru Logi Info Ninja

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Logi Info developer since v9. 15+ years experience in the healthcare and insurance industries. Current stack: Logi Info 12.8 on IIS connecting to SQL Server 17 with Logi security provided via SecureKey authentication.

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  • Blake commented,

    Thanks for the syntax.  I gave this a try with the InputText element and didn't see a change.  I find that interesting because per the debug logs I see the snippet below.  Ideas? Modifier File: C:\...

  • Blake created a post,

    Input Elements and Wrapping Tags

    I'm a huge fan of the ability in the latest release to add params under Input elements BUT.... I found I still need to use HTML input elements that I manually create because of tag wrapping.  For i...

  • Blake commented,

    I don't have a direct answer to your question, but if you turn on debugging and debug the page you should be able to see how the data layers are being executed.

  • Blake commented,

    What about something like <Label Caption="@Date.Today~" Format="Long Date" /> I believe the formats are borrowed from .net so you could probably do a quick search and find the format to drop the le...

  • Blake commented,

    Also a note if you have multiple formats that mean the same thing you could add these to the table and then just simply join to that alternate format and then use the normal DateVal.

  • Blake commented,

    I don't think my version gets what you want, but the beauty of it is that you can control how that works when you populate the table.  Note: you should only have to create this once.  I created min...

  • Blake commented,

    I hear ya on all of the random formats floating around.  I have a DateDim table that covers this as well.  The idea comes form Ralph Kimball and if you search the net there are some sample scripts....

  • Blake commented,

    Dates are fun aren't they!?!  I found the best solution is to have a dates table in the database in which almost all of my queries get joined to.  I can give you more details if running dates throu...

  • Blake commented,

    On my local machine I had to make sure I had full permissions on C:\inetpub\wwwroot to run w\o using run as admin.  When you mentioned you had checked permissions were you looking at your IIS folde...

  • Blake commented,

    I'm starting to remember more about an error I had about an API, but the error was slightly different.  Basically, there were some registry changes (ick) for TLS.  I'd look to Logi for specific ins...