Sortable Grid, with Move Up and Down buttons
Followed by 2 people
Is there a good way on implementing a grid that has a list of items in a specific order, but where I can select a row and use move up/down buttons to move that specified row in that direction so that once it's all ordering how the user wants it, I can pass that ordered list of values into a sub-reports link parameters?
I have used Sortable javascript plugin for its flexibility. simplified example
<Report ID="Sharetec.Sortable">
<StyleSheet StyleSheet="" />
<StyleSheet StyleSheet="" />
<IncludeScriptFile IncludedScriptFile="" />
<IncludeScriptFile IncludedScriptFile="sortable.js" />
<IncludeScriptFile IncludedScriptFile="" />
<IncludeHtml Html="<style>
.handle {
 cursor: grab;

" />
<InputText ID="finalorder" />
<DataTable ID="items-2" Width="100" WidthScale="%">
<DataLayer Type="Static">
<StaticDataRow Desc="Item 1" />
<StaticDataRow Desc="Item 2" />
<StaticDataRow Desc="Item 3" />
<StaticDataRow Desc="Item 4" />
<StaticDataRow Desc="Item 5" />
<GroupFilter GroupColumn="SortOrder" ID="gfSortOrder" KeepGroupedRows="True" />
<SequenceColumn ID="SortOrder" />
<DataTableColumn Header="SortOrder">
<Label Class="fa fa-arrows handle" />
<Spaces Size="5" />
<Label Caption="@Data.SortOrder~" ID="sortorder" Class="sortorder" />
<IncludeScript IncludedScript="// List 2
$('#items-2 tbody').sortable({

 animation: 100,
 handle: '.handle',
 onEnd: function(evt) {
 console.log('from: ' + evt.oldIndex + ' to ' + evt.newIndex);
 var list = [];
 $('.sortorder').each(function() {


" />
<ideTestParams />
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